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Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers, and Recovering Perfectionists
An easy-to-read, easy-to-do guidebook for anyone who wants to change their life (a little or a lot) but doesn’t know where or how to begin.
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In her latest book, performer and author Bennett (Get It Done) offers an antidote to feeling overwhelmed. By making small changes such as turning complaints into requests, stopping imaginary arguments, and allotting time for creativity, people can engage opportunities for growth and happiness. Tackling the demons of clutter, fearful thinking, and more, each chapter concludes with motivating “Little Changes Action Steps.
VERDICT: This comprehensive book supplies a wealth of simple exercises that anyone can use to break out of an emotional quagmire and begin to live fulfilled.
Sam Bennett brings a witty, sunny demeanor to her work as a Carpinteria business owner, artist and author of two self-help books.
Bennett calls herself a “creativity productivity expert.” She founded The Get It Done workshop, which turned into The Organized Artist Company, and authored “Get It Done” and “Start Right Where You Are.”
All are extensions of her mission to help creative people (and she believes everyone is a creative person) get their work into the world through internet marketing, project management and workshops.
The Organized Artist is internet-based, though Bennett holds in-person workshops. She assists clients from beginning to end, from making the decision of which project to pursue, to getting through the “Groan Zone” in the middle of the project when it becomes hard to stay motivated, to ending when all the hard work has paid off and the question is “What do I do now?”
She published “Get It Done” in 2014, which addresses practical, tangible ways to help readers start and finish their projects. “Start Right Where You Are,” published in November, focuses on the inner emotional work necessary to being productive and, more importantly, happy.
“Start Right Where You Are” has fared well so far, she said. It’s been sold at nontraditional sellers like FedEx/Kinkos, which recently bought 3,400 copies. She’s received good press from Self Magazine, ReadersDigest.com and PsychologyToday.com as well.
“Start Right Where You Are” is structured into two-to-three page chapters to give readers soundbites of paradigm-changing encouragement at a manageable length. The book is marketed toward “overwhelmed procrastinators, frustrated overachievers, and recovering perfectionists.”
Bennett said her book could be particularly helpful to businesses.
“One thing that I would say to professionals in all fields is that we feel better when we’re creatively expressed. Even if you work in a cubicle, find ways to be creative — ask, how can I make this moment more me?” This means being present and aware of the moment in each email, interaction or meeting.
Bennett said she has a business-based book idea in the works, based on Stoic philosophy with a “feminine” twist. She wants to incorporate the idea that a happy life comes from the inside, regardless of one’s circumstances.
She’s originally from Chicago, where she worked as an improv actor before attending school at UC Santa Cruz and then Northwestern University. She left school to pursue acting full-time in LA at The Second City comedy club.
“Creatively, it was a great time,” she said. “But financially, it was disastrous.” Eventually, after nine years in LA, heartbreak drove her to Carpinteria.
She said of how the Central Coast affected her writing, “You know how in New York and LA, everybody has a lot of drive — they’re moving a hundred miles an hour and trying to be famous now. But if you go to rural Kentucky, it’s the opposite — slow, and nothing’s changed since 1979. Carpinteria is a nice mix between those two energies.”
Bennet said her time as an improv actor taught her how to be professionally successful — she was driven by “sheer force of will.”
She also attributes her success to being open to learning. When she started The Organized Artist, she didn’t know anything about running a business, but she went to conferences and learned.
Her parting words of advice?
“Understanding the creative dichotomy, that there are two equally opposite and true factors of success — you have to work hard and be structured, but also go with the flow when the time is right. What matters most — what makes businesses succeed — is authenticity, story and service. You can learn the tips, tricks and lingo along the way as long as you have those three things.”
• Contact at intern@pacbiztimes.com.

Samantha Bennett is a writer, speaker, actor, teacher, and creativity-productivity specialist and author of the bestselling, "Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day" (New World Library), which Seth Godin described as "An instant classic, essential reading for anyone who wants to make a ruckus."
This bestseller was followed by, “Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers and Recovering Perfectionists" (New World Library).
Sam is the founder of TheRealSamBennett.com, a company committed to helping overwhelmed creatives and frustrated over-achievers get unstuck, so you can prioritize, focus and move forward on the goals that matter to you.
She is also a wildly popular course instructor on LinkedIn Learning with over a half-million participants and an average of 4.8 stars in a range of courses including, Time Management for Busy People, How to Stop Wasting Time in Meetings, Embracing Times of Uncertainty, and How to Write Emails People Will Actually Read.
She has a gift for authentic marketing, having spent 15 years as a Personal Branding Expert for Sam Christensen Studios. She was honored by some of the best marketers in the world as an Ultimate Marketer Finalist at Infusioncon 2010.
As an actor, her work in the theatre includes a long affiliation with the legendary Second City Theatre in Chicago, and in Los Angeles, she's done extensive work with LA Theatreworks, The Open Fist Theatre Company, and ComedySportz. Her television appearances include The Drew Carey Show, Strong Medicine, Days of Our Lives, and Modern Family.
Originally from Chicago, and now based in a tiny beach town outside of Los Angeles, Sam offers online courses, in-person workshops, and keynotes. She also makes a heck of a roast chicken.
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