Finally! A Planner for Real Life.
(One that works even when your hair’s on fire.)

Finally! A Planner for Real Life.
(One that works even when your hair’s on fire.)
Because you…
- have a lot of interests, ideas, and projects
- march to the beat of your own drum – the way everyone else does things isn’t how you do
- know that your priorities can change from week to week, even day to day
The Real Life Planner is the all-in-one solution you’ve been waiting for!
Everything In One Place
Track, Create, Vision
Get It All Done
Let’s face it, those office-supply store, one-size-fits-all planners are insanely boring and just can’t work for a multifaceted life like yours.
You want a creative, customizable system to craft, document and organize ALL the things:
– your schedule
– to-do lists
– personal growth insights
– writing/journaling
– professional commitments
– doodles, inspirations and fun ideas
– track your money, calories, number of hugs…
– weekly self-assessments to monitor your progress
– end overwhelm and indecision
– stay on top of your WHOLE life – family, work and fun!
Because your life is bigger than most, get:
The Real Life Planner.
This is the exact system I’ve used to write two bestsellers (plus a sold-out musical!) grow my wonderful mid-six-figure business and keep all my creative plates spinning.
The Real Life Planner combines the principles of the neuroscience of achievement with the freedom to do things your way. Try it! You’ll love it.
Praise for The Real Life Planner
I LOVE my Real Life Planner. Everything is in ONE place. I love the space and the look of it. [It’s] inviting in a no nonsense way.
I’m already getting so much done and with a greater sense of purpose.
My daughter has already tried to steal it from me!
Frequently Asked Questions
How big is the Real Life Planner?
The Real Life Planner is 8.5 x 11 so there’s plenty of room to write, doodle and make notes.
Why is it quarterly?
It’s amazing how much you pack into your busy, creative life, so this quarterly (3 month) format keeps the planner from becoming unwieldy. Ideally, you’ll use the planner everyday, but your pace may vary. We recommend re-ordering when you get down to your last 20 days or so left to be filled.
What's with the Weekly Self-Assessment?
Increased happiness! One of the most important elements of happiness is PROGRESS or perceived progress. But humans are notoriously bad at remembering how far we’ve come. Even our biggest accomplishments will slip our mind. So taking a moment each week to assess what you’ve done, what you’ve learned and how you’re feeling will AUTOMATICALLY make you feel better as well as do better.
What's with the Weekly 5-Minute Art?
Rest assured – it’s absolutely *not* about making art. You don’t have to be a good draw-er or even be able to make anything more than stick figures. Rather, it’s a proven way to process hard feelings quickly and easily. If you take a moment to make a picture of your fears, anxieties, anger, jealousy, or old stories that are keeping you stuck, you will AUTOMATICALLY give yourself a new perspective. This practice is fun, freeing and works wonders. (Go ahead – try it right now. Cool, right?)
Why is this better than my notebooks?
I love notebooks, too – composition books are my fave – but like you, I’ve got stacks of them and absolutely no idea what’s in them. Notebooks are great for capturing ideas, but they are TERRIBLE for retrieval. Write something in a notebook and good luck ever finding it again. Use the Real Life Planner for your notes and journaling, and the dates will automatically keep your ideas organized.
Gosh - seems kinda pricey for a quarterly planner...??
Question: how much is being disorganized costing you?
Late fees?
Missed opportunities?
Ideas you aren’t implementing because you wrote it down in a notebook somewhere and forgot about it?
The Real life Planner has the power to actually get you organized and keep you motivated, and that’s priceless.