Claim your share of the $145 Billion e-learning market!
Turn Your Wisdom Into (Online) Workshops
— design and build your own transformational online workshop that can make you money —
Join Master Teacher Sam Bennett
For this 6-Module On-Demand Course
Get time-sensitive special pricing from this page.
Pssst… get a sneak peak of Session 1 now:
Get time-sensitive pricing from this page.
On-Demand Video Training + Support Materials
Craft a Custom Plan for Your Workshop, Marketing to Delivery
Get All Our Templates + Help with the Scary Tech Stuff
Thank you so much for Turn your Wisdom into (Online) Workshops. It was incredible, and I’m so glad I signed up. I’m pushing past my fears and starting with a small workshop next month.
Your completed workshop, well-designed, priced and ready to sell
Feeling confident about marketing and selling your workshop
All your tech questions answered by someone who speaks your language
You’ve got depth of knowledge and high-value experience, and there are people just waiting to pay you money to teach them.
Don’t miss out on the time-sensitive special pricing available only from this page!
Over 6, on-demand sessions, Sam will deliver everything you need to know including:
- How to figure out the perfect topic
- Your pricing & how to feel good about it
- How to schedule and organize your curriculum
- How to fill the room with ideal clients
- How to manage all the logistics – including the tech stuff
- How to quiet your self-doubt
- And (my favorite) how to manage all the behind-the-scenes chaos and avoid disasters. Phew!
PLUS: you get all our professionally crafted, easy-to-use templates, planners, checklists and tools. Priceless.
I’m in Turning Wisdom Into (Online) Workshops, I just want to THANK YOU for the incredibly kind consciousness and badass, creative sense of humor you bring to the work you do! You truly are the highly creative person whisperer (or shouting if that is necessary).
This is the first online class of the MANY I have taken where I have attended every class either live or watched every video and I’ve actually done the work…
1) because it’s interesting, relevant and it works!
2) because you’re authentic (and you swear with impeccable taste and timing)
3) because you’re not boring (like slides)- you are actually very entertaining!
4) because it’s changing my life…
THANK YOU! With great gratitude
Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Discover EXACTLY How Rewarding Turning Your Wisdom Into an (Online) Workshop Can Be
1) Curriculum – Completed!
2) Pricing – Figured Out!
3) Marketing – Done!
You can do this! I can show you how.
Get time-sensitive special pricing available only from this page!
What You Get Session by Session:
Session 1: What to Teach & What to Call it: Fascinating Topics and Magnetic Titles
How to select your topic and how to create a name that is clear and compelling – and effortlessly attracts your ideal client. (Remember, this is a hands-on workshop, so it’s not just theory. You WILL create your own irresistible workshop title during this session.)
Session 2: How Much to Charge: Resonant Pricing and Realistic Scheduling
How to select a tuition price that feels great (and that people will happily pay) and plan out your content delivery so you don’t overwhelm your students.
Session 3: How to Fill the Zoom Room: Compelling Marketing and Easy Sales
How to get the right people interested, on board and paid up. Includes exact instructions on what to say when they say they “can’t afford it,” or “it’s not a good time.
Session 4: Behind the Scenes – Avoiding DISASTERS
Legal, admin, agreements, refunds…all those nitty-gritty details you REALLY need to know but hardly anyone will tell you. Plus hair-raising tales and narrow escapes – straight from the trenches. This is always everyone’s favorite session : )
Session 5: The Tech Stuff: Setting Up Your Back End
Sam will show you, step-by-step, how to set up the tech stuff so it’s easy for you to do by yourself, or with your team. As in all the sessions, there is time for Q&A, so you can get your specific questions answered.
Session 6: Course Delivery, Upsells and Cross-sells: It’s Happening! Now What?
How to set the ground rules, create the space and maximize involvement and results. PLUS how to enroll the next class and keep your momentum going!
I’ve been leading workshops, classes, and events since 1986, and trust me when I say, you want to learn how to create successful workshops from someone who’s created a LOT of successful workshops. Create your workshop gold – and maybe even that big workshop payday – faster and with less stress and misfires with Turn Your Wisdom Into (Online) Workshops.
PLUS Bonuses Valued at Over $5940.00!
Fast Action Bonus: Get Sam’s Personal Input On a Super-Compelling Title
Purchase before the time runs out to secure a RARE opportunity to get Sam’s input, 1-on-1, via Zoom on your workshop idea and get her input for nailing a compelling title.
Value: $750.00
Bonus 1: “Sam’s Proprietary Checklists, Resource Lists, Templates and Agreements”
We’ve spent years and thousands of dollars figuring out the best apps, sites, tips, tricks and tools so you don’t have to. You will get info on the exact materials we use here at The Organized Artist Company to make our courses run smoothly.
Value: $3500.00
Bonus 2: “Demystifying the Tech”
My genius operations and tech team will demystify all the computer/tech stuff for you and make it super-easy for you to handle – even if you’ve never done any this before, hate social media and don’t know how to navigate your computer.
Value: $500.00
Bonus 3: “Making Sales Conversations Easy and Fun”
This inspired live training will turn the whole sales process— including the “asking for the money” part — from absolutely dreadful to absolutely joyful.
Value: $197.00
Bonus 4: “How to Run a Preview Webinar that Has People Eager to Enroll.”
Never before offered training that delivers Sam’s secret webinar strategies for turning skeptics Into paying students. This is the same sales webinar outline formula that Sam has used to generate as much as $40,000 in one weekend – so you can plug & play.
Value: $997.00
Bonus 5: “How-to’s & Considerations for In-Person Workshops”
Yes, someday we will be able to offer in-person workshops again! This bonus section is content currated from the orginal, pre-pandemic version of this course, “Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops,” so you won’t miss a beat getting your in-person workshop filled *when* we can finally meet face to face again.
Value: $97.00
A personal note from Sam:
The online training gold rush has begun.
While already a big business, it’s projected that by 2025, the global e-learning market will reach $325 billion. So now is the perfect time to get started.
Even if you feel like, “Everyone and their brother is already doing online stuff,” don’t worry. They’re not. You are just NOTICING everyone who’s doing it because you want to do it, too, am I right?
Imagine… having a completed workshop, well-designed, fairly priced and ready to sell; having total confidence around your marketing and sales.
Imagine… having all your tech questions answered by someone who speaks your language. Plus I’ll give you the real, behind-the-scenes truth of how to run a successful online training.
If you’ve read this far, it’s probably a sign that you are a YES to this, so let me encourage you a bit.
The alternative is to hide.
To keep playing small.
To stay in the chaos and confusion of “getting ready to get ready.”
It’s time for you to step into your future.
One where you can make the money you need doing the work you love.
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
– Sam.
Don’t miss out on the time-sensitive special pricing available only from this page!
My inner critics beat me up for signing up for programs with Sam. ‘You can do this on your own,’ they told me. Well, maybe I could have, but I’ve learned so much more in a far more practical, streamlined way than I could have on my own. And I feel blessed to spend time within the community of brilliantly creative, loving and supportive people that Sam and her programs attract.
I really appreciate all of the knowledge and activities you shared with us in the Wisdom into (Online) Workshops. I just watched the sales conversations training, and it really helped a lot. I have finished my One Page Offer PDF and am working on my sales page now. I am using my words from our brainstorming sessions (I even made a word cloud from them)… and my newsletter list has grown from 0 to 29 in one week!
I knew without a doubt that I absolutely HAD to make the investment in myself or nothing would ever change. I had some big goals and dreams and visions and saw no way to get there on my own. Working with Sam…was life-changing for me and set me on a whole new path with more wisdom and confidence.
Get time-sensitive special pricing available only from this page!

There are few people who blend a rational sense of system so beautifully with an open and caring heart. Samantha Bennett is the definition of a teacher/guide – she imparts awareness and knowledge with the gusto of an Irish bartender and holds her students close like the protective lioness grooming her cubs to rule their jungle.

Sam’s Simple Guarantee
If this course isn’t what you expect, and you’re not happy, simply request a refund by within 14 days of purchase and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
That’s it. Really.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I know if this is right for me?
Whether you are in the “still dreaming” stage, are juggling a side-hustle, or already have an established business, this training is designed to meet you where you are and provide useful instruction that you can apply to your unique situation.
We’ve found that everyone who enrolls – from beginners to experts – benefits from the focus, clarity, creativity and seasoned advice.
Is this course really worth it?
It most certainly has been in my business as well as the businesses of previous participant, but answer these questions and decide for yourself.
- How much money are you losing every day if you don’t do this?
- How much is your indecision costing you?
- How much would it be worth to you to have a real, workable PLAN?
We find that many of our students are able to earn back their tuition several times over. Especially since Sam has a unique knack for helping you find the “hidden money” in your workshop offering.
Can this work for in-person workshops?
Yes! This course was first offered for in-person workshops, and Bonus 5 will provide you with all of the content from the original version of this course that is specific to filling and running a live, in-person event, so that when we can finally get back to face-to-face, you’ll be able to pivot quickly.
About Sam Bennett
Sam Bennett is a writer, speaker, actor, teacher and creativity/productivity specialist and the author of the bestselling, “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” (New World Library) which Seth Godin called, “An instant classic, essential reading for anyone who wants to make a ruckus.” It and her second bestseller, “Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers and Recovering Perfectionists” (New World Library), are available at all major book outlets
Sam is also the creator of The Organized Artist Company, dedicated to helping people get unstuck, so they can focus and move forward on their goals.
She is a marketing expert, having spent 15 years as a Personal Branding Expert for Sam Christensen Studios and has been honored as an Ultimate Marketer Finalist at Infusioncon. She is also an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant and Reseller.
She currently lives in a perfect little beach town outside of LA, where she is working on her next book.
© 2021 Sam Bennett & The Organized Artist Company l All Rights Reserved