Hi and welcome to the Get Started Plan
This is a no-nonsense move-it-forward tool for busy people and leaders.
And I’m giving it to you because you have a vision in your head of things being…better.
But you’re so busy putting out fires that you are having trouble even figuring out where to begin.
So here’s a little secret: this Get Started Plan, as humble as it seems, is the very same plan I used to get started on what would become my first published book… and my second… and how I wrote the script to a successful musical that has now been picked up by a production company.
It takes just 15 minutes a day. Really.

Skeptical? Of course.
But I’m here to tell you that I started building this successful, multi-six-figure business that has enabled me to transform my own life as well as the lives of hundreds of others of creatively minded people, just like you, using exactly these thought-provoking questions and 15-minute work sessions.
Your idea, that thing that you’ve been thinking about doing and wondering how it might change your life IF you could just made it real, may be different from the ideas that have propelled my life forward in miraculous and unexpected ways. But it doesn’t matter so much what your idea is … if matters to you, it’s important.
And that means it matters to me too.
Click the image or the button to download and print.
I’ll be checking in on you to see how it’s going. I think you’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover and accomplish in just 15 minutes a day.
And I’d love to hear how it goes for you. Simply hit reply on any email and let me know.
And, since we're talking getting started...
How about we have a conversation about getting it done?
You know that project sitting in a drawer for months that you keep promising you’ll finish.
Or the idea you’ve been secretly mulling over, the one that could really make a difference, that you just never seem to find the time to take action on.
Yea. That project. That idea.
I know and you know it’s the things that matter that never seem to get done.
And so you stay stuck.
Let’s change that. You can get it done. I will show you how.
*Special discounted pricing and cool bonuses are yours when you buy now!*
Sam … I am a 60-year-old single mother as a result of divorce, who has desired to write a book for quite some time. It has now been for more than 15 years. I’ve been in a pattern of starting and stopping due to an extremely busy career. I am just discovering your Webinars today, and am motivated and inspired by what I’ve read and viewed on how you’ve successfully helped individuals such as myself to get started and keep going. Here’s to writing and finishing my book.
Wonderful, Renita! I’m so glad you’re feeling inspired. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of any further assistance – I’d love to see your book out in the world : )
Hi, Sam! I will turn 71 years old in a few days. I am launching an online journaling program that began as a 5-week, 10-hour workshop. I am working on four novels, one of which stalled at 37,000 words, one of which I cannot seem to get past chapter three, and the other two in the idea phase. My website will be up and running in about the next two months. I am a professional writer, contributing to four websites and a writing coach. Yet, in my fiction writing, I experience hesitancy and self-doubt. I am excited about all I do, but there is a voice in my head warning me of some unnamed hazard. I am pleased to find your website and look forward to your webinars. I am on your email list and felt the poem you shared today, Thank you. Best, always.
Billie, it is my experience that the closer a piece of work is to revealing the truth of who we are, the more the Resistance will try to keep you stuck. Maybe make a piece of 5-Minute Art about the unnamed hazard and see what bubbles up for you? Regardless – keep writing! The world needs your words.