Funny how we let ONE casual remark derail our dreams, isn’t it?

That one thing that one teacher said that one time has kept you paralyzed since middle school.
That callous remark from a casual acquaintance stopped you cold.

Even after all the smiles and support and even REQUESTS (!!!)

“Say, when are YOU going to write your book?”
“Do you have a book?”
“If you wrote a book I would totally buy it.”

just one discouraging word….
and you retreat.

You tuck your book dream back under the mattress where it continues to invade your nightly reveries.

I get it.

Book writing is:

complicated – where to start?
creatively confounding – what to write?
confusing – who would read it?

I got you.

I’m leading Figure Out Your Book In One Day on Jan. 4th for the third or fourth time, and if you show up, we will banish those clouds once and for all.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

(I mean, obviously, if it’s perfect for you, I will sell it to you – but I won’t be pitching you. I’m only interested in working with people who are a great match and are willing to invest the time and money to see real progress. Because let’s face it, your diet of free stuff and pdfs and salesy webinars is just NOT moving the needle for you, correct?)

Plus it really helps me to hear directly from you what you’re up to, so you’d be doing me a favor.

Let’s go hang out together where the the heavens are bright/with the light of the glittering stars, and where those deer and those antelope play, shall we?

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