OK, look – I didn’t want to be the first one to mention it….
but you’ve got a Hot Pink Octopus
and it’s wrapped all around you.

You can’t get away from her.
You can pry off one arm, but she’ll wrap it somewhere else.
Maybe somewhere that tickles.

You can try to hide from her…..
but you know a 600-lb Hot Pink Octopus can fit through a hole the size of a quarter…
so she follows wherever you go.

She’s been with you forever.

She’s your creativity.
She’s your stories.
She’s the uncanny sense that you have been put on this earth in this
incarnation to

share your words
share your vision
share your voice

She’s the part of you that knows better than you —
and the less you try and manhandle her, the better.

Babe, you were put here to share your octopus.
And when you share her,
and people love her or don’t,
you can know that it’s not You that they love or don’t,

it’s your Hot Pink Octopus.

Your Hot Pink Octopus might even win awards
or make you a fortune
or connect you with other Cephalopods

And together, you can do great things.

Quit fighting her.
Quit trying to ignore her.
Quit pretending like she doesn’t matter,
or that you can only make time for her once everything else gets done,
which never happens.

The world needs your Hot Pink Octopus:
Her shape-shifting wisdom…
Her gift of camouflage…
Her endless curiousity….
Her remarkable ability to adapt and learn…

She’s been on this planet for almost 200 million years.

Let her speak.


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