YAY! Here’s #2 of the “7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money & Keeping You From The Success You Deserve” article as derived from the free on-demand webinar that Wes Schaeffer & did the other day —
Watch or download the free on-demand webinar here: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2
And, FYI, here are all 7 Copy Writing Mistakes…” topics:
1 of 7: I don’t want to feel sales-y…(read this one here)
2 of 7: I’m too wordy…
3 of 7: How to get started & how to find the time to keep going
4 of 7: What’s REALLY effective copy writing & how do you know?
5 of 7: Beat perfectionism once and for all
6 of 7: How to discover what’s really going to be compelling for your audience
7 of 7: What to do if you feel constrained by having to write for SEO, academic writing, your boss…
I’m Too Wordy…
Well, honey, it’s tempting to just say, “Use fewer words” : ) But that’s not really the issue, now is it?
One part of the issue is that you want to tell everybody everything about your work right away.
Think Of It This Way: A “Sales Funnel” Is What Takes You From First Glance To Marriage
If you imagine that you look across a crowded room and make eye contact with someone who looks interesting to you, then you would find a way to strike up a conversation, right?
And you wouldn’t start the conversation by giving them every last detail about where you grew up, would you?
Of course not – that would be weird.
You would start the conversation by saying something like, “Hi.”
And then you might give them a compliment or offer to buy them a drink or make some pithy observation.
Same thing goes for potential clients: begin the conversation in a way that demonstrates that you are genuinely interested in them.
But there’s more to it, isn’t there?
The marketing conundrum of 2012: people have short attention spans but they still need to be convinced, persuaded and soothed.
So you need to use as many words as necessary to convey a feeling of confidence in your prospects, but no more.
(In other words, shut up when they are ready to buy…but how do you know?)
So try using VISUAL CUES to break up long copy into shorter, more easily understood segments.
For example, you might create an email or sales page that has:
- A compelling headline (bold) that piques their interest
- A fantastic opening paragraph
- An image that supports your text
- A caption under the image that makes a point or encourages an action
- Several sub-headers (bold, colorful) that break up the text
One of the participants on the “7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money & Keeping You From The Success You Deserve” noticed that it was just like creating a magazine article — brilliant! YES!
Here’s the logic:
The most-read parts of any document are 1) The headline 2) The opening paragraph 3) The image 4) The captions 5) Sub-headers
Taking the time to make these elements intriguing pays off when you remember:
No one reads anything – they only LOOK at it.
So making those elements really groovy will help your reader determine – at first glance – whether they should go back and actually read the rest or not.
This gives you the punch of “short copy” combined with the detail of “long copy.”
Find this helpful? Here’s how to get more…
You deserve to have your business be financially sustainable, values-driven and joyful. Not easy, mind you – but joyful.
And improving your copy writing is the NUMBER ONE key to your success.
I’ve partnered up with my good friend Wes Schaeffer from www.TheSalesWhisperer.com – he’s an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant & he’s a full-on, small-business genius with a GREAT sense of humor – everyone says we make a great team : )
So you’re invited to check out our Free Preview Event – called “7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money”
—–> Watch or download the free preview event here: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2
It’s a free on-demand webinar for creative entrepreneurs, frustrated small business people…
and YOU if you know that if only your…
– web pages
- bios (don’t you HATE writing Bios? We’ll show you the EASY way!)
– blog posts
- product descriptions
– social media posts (what are you supposed to say on Twitter? Really?)
– press releases
- emails (like this one!)
…were more authentic & more compelling, then you could SELL MORE STUFF, which would mean you would be helping more people!
(Which is why we do all this, right?)
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
– You want to promote your business…but you get tongue-tied when people ask you what you do.
– You would love to Blog and Facebook & Twitter & Pinterest & whatever… but you’re not really sure what to say.
– You know your web pages are old & boring…but the idea of redoing it all makes you want to go lay down.
– You’re a creative entrepreneur who’s over-worked.
– You’ve got 37 ideas, a bunch of new projects and plus there’s your actual business…and then there’s the family and the kids and… good heavens, you don’t have the TIME to write new copy!
– You’re ready for financial success and you don’t have time to screw around. You need real answers from experts who really GET IT.
– You are ready to learn a NEW way to write copy that’s easy, fun and…wait for it…. PROFITABLE.
Then this event is for you!
Here’s what people said about it:
“so down to earth, and so real, and are SO encouraging!” – D.D., California
“That was very helpful! Thanks, you two 🙂 ” – R.P., Los Angeles, CA
”I enjoy your laser sharp humor as well as succinct comments and great insights. Always inspirational and instructive.” – C. D., Washington
7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money
(and how to fix them WITHOUT having to hire an expensive copywriter)
with Small Business Experts
Wes Schaeffer & Samantha Bennett
—–> Watch or download the free preview event here
: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2
You can listen online AND you can download the MP3.
I’ve been in the trenches & learned a lot about small business marketing in the past bunch of years and I’m thrilled to have this chance to share my insights with you.
But if they never hear about it, they can’t benefit from it, right?
Please join me & my pal Wes on this Really Useful Webinar
—–> Watch or download the free preview event here
: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2
And please let me know how things are going with you – you know I love to hear from you!
P.S. And yes, of course this is a preview event for the Write Right Now VIP workshop – but it’s not a pitch-fest – you know I hate that, too. This is TONS of useful content, tailored just for you. In fact, if you want to check out what the Write Right Now VIP workshop is all about, you can go here: http://writerightnowvip.com/info/
If you have an intuition that the full Write Right Now VIP workshop is going to be right for you, then sign up ASAP and you can save yourself a PILE OF MONEY. (Like $500…) so take a look: http://writerightnowvip.com/info/
- SSB.
I know. You don’t want to sound sales-y.
You feel weird “promoting” your work.
You’d really rather just DO your work & have someone else take care of the marketing.
I know.
But odds are there isn’t anyone else to hand the marketing off to, and even if there were, that person isn’t going to know or care nearly as much about your work as you do.
So let’s play with the vocabulary a bit and see if that helps.
What if you thought of marketing this way:
Marketing Is Making Friends With People You Don’t Know Are Your Friends Yet
Here’s the thing – you don’t have to market to everybody.
You just have to market to the people who are ALREADY INTERESTED in your work.
And guess what? Those people probably already share your values.
So – right now – make a quick list of the VALUES that are most important to you & your work.
For example, the values of The Organized Artist Company are:
Good Humor & Fun
Next time you need to write a bio or an email or a sales page or an email or whatever, run it past your values & make sure it’s a match. This will help insure that you are using the words & phrases that accurately reflect what you do. It will also ATTRACT the perfect clients & customers right to your door.
Honey, You Are On A Mission
You do the work you do because you know it helps people and you love it.
That love, that desire to help and those values that you just wrote down add up to more than creative entrepreneurship.
They add up to a mission.
And when you are on a mission, you are going to be pulled & stretched & challenged & celebrated & pushed waaaaay out of your comfort zone. Be ready for that.
You may not want to market your business, but you can learn to do it well and may even grow to LOVE it. (I do!)
Finally, consider this aphorism:
If No One Is Complaining About Your Marketing, Then You Are Not Doing Enough Marketing
You deserve to have your business be financially sustainable, values-driven and joyful. Not easy, mind you – but joyful.
And improving your copy writing is the NUMBER ONE key to your success.
I’ve partnered up with my good friend Wes Schaeffer from www.TheSalesWhisperer.com – he’s an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant & he’s a full-on, small-business genius with a GREAT sense of humor – everyone says we make a great team : )
So you’re invited to check out our Free Preview Event – called “7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money”
—–> Watch or download the free preview event here
(or paste this link into your browser window: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2)
It’s a free webinar for creative entrepreneurs, frustrated small business people…
and YOU if you know that if only your…
– web pages
– bios (don’t you HATE writing Bios? We’ll show you the EASY way!)
– blog posts
– product descriptions
– social media posts (what are you supposed to say on Twitter? Really?)
– press releases
– emails (like this one!)
…were more authentic & more compelling, then you could SELL MORE STUFF, which would mean you would be helping more people! (Which is why we do all this, right?)
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
– You want to promote your business…but you get tongue-tied when people ask you what you do.
– You would love to Blog and Facebook & Twitter & Pinterest & whatever… but you’re not really sure what to say.
– You know your web pages are old & boring…but the idea of redoing it all makes you want to go lay down.
– You’re a creative entrepreneur who’s over-worked.
– You’ve got 37 ideas, a bunch of new projects and plus there’s your actual business…and then there’s the family and the kids and… good heavens, you don’t have the TIME to write new copy!
– You’re ready for financial success and you don’t have time to screw around. You need real answers from experts who really GET IT.
– You are ready to learn a NEW way to write copy that’s easy, fun and…wait for it…. PROFITABLE.
Then this event is for you!
Here’s what people said about it:
“so down to earth, and so real, and are SO encouraging!” – D.D., California
“That was very helpful! Thanks, you two 🙂 ” – R.P., Los Angeles, CA
“I enjoy your laser sharp humor as well as succinct comments and great insights. Always inspirational and instructive.” – C. D., Washington
7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money
(and how to fix them WITHOUT having to hire an expensive copywriter)
with Small Business Experts
Wes Schaeffer & Samantha Bennett
—–> Watch or download the free preview event here
(or paste this link into your browser window: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2)
You can listen online AND you can download the MP3.
I’ve been in the trenches & learned a lot about small business marketing in the past bunch of years and I’m thrilled to have this chance to share my insights with you.
But if they never hear about it, they can’t benefit from it, right?
Please join me & my pal Wes on this Really Useful Webinar —
—–> Watch or download the free preview event here
(or paste this link into your browser window: http://bit.ly/WRNVIP2)
And please let me know how things are going with you – you know I love to hear from you!
Here’s what they want: THEY WANT YOU TO TALK TO THEM.
I’m teaching a free webinar on easy systems to follow-up with clients and customers (and turn them into raving fans) and I think you’re going to love it —
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
NOTE: We’re going to try and record it, but I know there’s been some issues with the system lately, so it’s best if you can be there live…
This webinar is for you if:
1) You’re not sure how to even get customers…(it’s OK to admit it…)
2) You have customers, but you’re not very good about following up with them….after all, you don’t want to be a bother…
3) You’re ready to turn your customers into RAVING FANS who happily refer to you all of their friends…
BTW, did you know that a person who has been recommended by a friend is 70% more likely to purchase from you? That’s the kind of statistic that could really make a difference in your bank account, yes?
You MUST create a fun, easy-to-use system for following up with clients and potential customers – that is the lifeblood of any good business, and Brian and I are here to show you exactly how to do it.
And there will be none of that annoying “we’ll tell you what and why but you have to buy some expensive training to learn how…” b.s. – we will actually tell you HOW.
We’re not selling anything on this webinar – this is pure content.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Learn the 3 keys to consistently following up with your leads, prospects, and clients. In this webinar, we’ll discuss the stages of a typical buying process, and how to ensure that a single lead/client/advocate never falls through the cracks.
Title: 3 Keys to Consistent Follow Up… Getting MORE out of LESS
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011
Time: 9:45 AM – 11:00 AM PDT
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
You may also listen in via phone.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer
I want to hear your questions, comments and thoughts on this – so show up and let’s have some FUN!
PS There are a lot of webinars out there, I know. I think I can pretty much guarantee that this one will be well worth your time. Check it out and let me know! Claim your FREE seat here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/449436145
This is the practical, how-to-do-it advice you’ve been looking for.
Be there.
– SSB.
People are saying nice things to you all the time.
But I’m guessing you let most of them slide right past you. And some of you even deflect them (“Oh, no, it’s not that great…”) or immediately turn them around (“No, no, YOU are the genius…”)
I’d like you to consider the possibility that you’re being a little rude whenever you refuse a compliment.
First of all, the person is stating a truth. It may not be true for you, but it’s true for them. If they think your story is the best one they’ve ever read or that your church solo moved them or that you look nice in that sweater, that’s their business, and they get to be right.
So acknowledge that they are right. And don’t go around inflicting your opinion on them.
Just because you know you were a bit flat on the last chorus or that this sweater isn’t quite what it used to be doesn’t mean you need to tell them all about it.
Retain your empathy: remember the last time someone did that to you? You tried to say something nice and the person just wafted it away? Felt kind of icky, huh?
Here’s the other reason to take compliments seriously: they offer you valuable market research.
If someone says they find you fun or thought-provoking or nice or smart as a whip or inspiring, then use that language in your next brochure/email/elevator speech.
Imagine you’re at a holiday punch bowl standing next to someone you’d really like to impress and they ask you the oft-dreaded question, “So, what do you do?”
You may answer, “How kind of you to ask.
I’m a singer. I sing at weddings and other church events, and I also sing with a group that visits retirement communities. Someone recently said my work was ‘uplifting’ – which made me feel great, because that’s really what I want to do – lift people’s spirits.”
Nice, huh? You not only described your work but also conveyed the flavor and tone of your work and some of the truth about who you are.
It’s not bragging if it’s true.
P.S. This same strategy applies to criticism. If someone says your work is overwrought or shallow or kinda pitchy, dawg, then thank them for sharing their thoughts with you and DO NOT argue with them. Yes, your ego will flare up a bit. So go punch a pillow. But then remember to incorporate the information into your spiel.
So your next email might say something like, “I’m teaching a new class that teaches sign language to 9-18 month-old children. Some people might find this work superfluous or overly precious, but research shows that offering young children additional means of communication increases SAT scores by over 30%.”
(I completely made up that last part, by the way.)
See how acknowledging the truth clarifies your message?
Keep a running list of all the compliments you get and see what the trends are. Use those words to communicate the truth of you.
Here’s a compliment to start your list: you are good and brave.
photo credit: DG Jones via photopin cc
Quick: list five of your qualities that can really help you out today. Notice that they don’t have to be “good” qualities.
I’m going to guess that you possess at least some of the following:
- Stubbornness
- Great Good Humor
- Tenacity
- Curious and Questioning Mind
- Good Taste
- Vision (Can See What’s Not There Yet)
- Truth-Seeking
- Strong Intuition
- Unusual Strength of Spirit
- Compassionate and Tender-Hearted
You may have been criticized for these qualities as a young person.
But you know they are truly your friends.
Name three more of your unique and useful qualities and make sure you tap into those today.
Heck, why not use them in a Facebook posting? Just a thought…