Ever feel like your dream book is stuck in your head, and you can’t quite figure out how to get it onto the page?
You’re not alone. I get these questions all the time, and honestly, they apply to more than just writing – they touch on creativity, ambition, and even just navigating life. So, let’s cut the fluff and dive into some straight-talk answers.
1. “What if I’m not sure exactly what my project is?”
Look, I’ve churned out everything from comedy sketches to hit musicals to bestselling books. And here’s the truth: you’ll never know exactly what your project wants to be before you start. It’s a collaboration, a dance between you and your creation.
That nagging feeling that you need to have it all figured out? That’s just perfectionism disguised as fear. It’s the lie that you need to be safe from judgment. Newsflash: there’s no such thing in the creative life.
Think of it like meeting someone amazing. Would you refuse to talk to them because you don’t know where the relationship will lead? Of course not! So, take it step by step. 15 minutes a day. Trust the process. And if you need a little nudge, find a mentor and your “boon companions” – like those in the Super Secret Book Writing Club.
(Testimonial: Beth Jaffe)
2. “I think I might be writing a memoir, but I hear those don’t sell well.”
Look, I want you to write a book that makes a difference, and that includes selling well. My approach is different: I teach you to write for a specific audience – one that’s already interested in your book. We’ll dive into marketing and sales strategies, using unique exercises and questions to pinpoint your buying audience.
But remember, even if your writing helps just one person, that’s a job well done.
(Testimonial: Michelle Haner)
3. “I like writing, but the whole agent-thing – not to mention marketing and sales – freaks me out.”
That’s the difference between art and a hobby. Hobbies are wonderful, but they’re not expected to earn money. If your writing is a hobby, then write for the love of it!
But if you dream of a larger audience, if your heart knows your work can help people, if you feel a sense of destiny, then it’s time to put on your grown-up pants and figure it out.
We’ll determine the best publishing path for you: self-publishing, hybrid-publishing, or traditional publishing. And yes, you’ll be learning from an award-winning marketing expert (that’s me!).
(Testimonial: Robin Claire)
4. “With everything that’s going on, I don’t think now is the right time…”
You’re alive today. You have your idea and the ability to execute it. You have 15 minutes to write. Tomorrow, none of these things may be true. Today is the perfect time. Perhaps the only time.
(Quote: Martin Luther)
5. “I’m not sure I can swing the money…”
After 26 years of teaching, I know “I can’t afford it” is rarely about the money. If you’re facing a financial crisis, address that first. But if you’re nervous about the return on investment, I promise to deliver 3x-10x value on your tuition.
And if you’re not satisfied, we’ll make it right. Plus, three bonuses in the Super Secret Book Writing Club give you systems to make your book profitable before you publish.
(Testimonial: Lindy MacLaine)
Special Offer (Limited Time!)
Enroll in the Super Secret Book Writing Club before midnight tonight and get a special 20-minute “Figure Out Your Title” session with me – the Queen of Naming Stuff!
The World Needs Your Words.
I’ve been helping people share their stories since 2001. I’ve seen thousands of happy clients, millions in revenue, and three bestsellers. I’ve learned so much, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Now is the time to bring your voice, your wisdom, your story into the world in a way that feels easy, joyful, and manageable (just 15 minutes a day!). Because new stories change the world.
P.S. I’ve revised the offer for the Super Secret Book Writing Club. Lower tuition, longer timeframe, more bonuses. I realized 2025 is a unique year, and I wanted to make this opportunity accessible to more of you. I’m curious, are you more inclined to join now? Let me know!.