Mermaid Money

Mermaid Money

I always have a few small pieces of sea glass in my wallet: it’s my “mermaid money.”

Because, you know — mermaids don’t take cash.

Every time I look in my wallet I am reminded of the true treasures in the world: the beauty that’s all around us, the ability to create whimsy and magic, and the ephemeral nature of life.

What do you use to keep your eyes on the big picture?

Do you feel whimsy and beauty and magic around your ability to create cash?

Stress is what happens when we lose track of the big picture.

Finding the Sexual Voice: a Webinar with Amy Jo Goddard

Finding the Sexual Voice: a Webinar with Amy Jo Goddard

It’s really hard to ask for what you want in sexuality and relationships if you don’t know what to ask for, or how to start the conversation.

In our sex-negative culture, what would it mean to express your authentic sexual voice?

Many people don’t know how to talk about sexuality because they have no idea what they want.

Many don’t know how to have a conversation with others because they are so confused in their conversation with themselves, stuck in self-judgment, confusion, frustration or thinking something is wrong.

My friend and colleague Amy Jo Goddard does amazing work as a sexual empowerment expert and teacher and she is hosting this webinar on 2/24 on “Finding the Sexual Voice”.

We all have a sexual voice. Some of us need to find it, some of us need to express it, some of us need to shift it so we can get more of what we want and less of what we don’t.

In this 90-min webinar, you will learn:
  • the difference between the internal and external sexual voice…
  • the top sexual stories that get people stuck…
  • what gets in the way of finding your true voice and inner “Yes”…
  • steps you can take to tap into that inner Yes…
  • how to bring your inner Yes into the outer world so you can get more of what you want in sex and relationships…

I support her message and I hope you will sign up and share.

TWITTER – include link to

.@AmyJoGoddard is teaching a webinar on 2/24: “Finding the #SexualVoice.”

How can you tap into the power of your unique #SexualVoice? A conversation with @AmyJoGoddard

It’s hard to talk about sexuality when you don’t know what you want. @AmyJoGoddard’s webinar on 2/24:

My friend & colleague @AmyJoGoddard is teaching this webinar on 2/24: Finding the #SexualVoice

.@amyjogoddard is on a mission to banish sexual voicelessness — please join!

The Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye


The Isle of Skye

What if there was
another you who lived on the Isle of Skye?

And what if, in the soft light of that
other home,
you forgot to think the thoughts
that hold you back?

What if, in the mist,
you knew all,
you forgave all,
and you remembered to be
oh so gentle with yourself?

What if you, on the Isle of Skye,
could just breathe,
wearing a warm sweater
and half a smile?

And what if your heart’s own work just flowed out of you –
lipping in between the endless hills and endless sea – a balm unto the world?

© 2014 Samantha Bennett


It’s Okay to Make Nice with Yourself

It’s Okay to Make Nice with Yourself

Guess what? It’s okay to have some positive thoughts about yourself.

Many of us were raised in intellectual households, where if you couldn’t prove your point, well, you were just being delusional. I’m asking you to be a little delusional. You may be reluctant to think nice thoughts about yourself. I understand. You may feel that your negative thoughts “keep you in line” and you don’t want to “get a big head.”

Darling, you will not get a big head. I promise.


Step 1. Write Down Ten Successes, Wins, or Blessings from the Past Year.

Grab a pen and write down ten good things that have happened in the past twelve months. It’s time to give those chattering critical voices in your head a rest. It’s time to change the tape. It’s time to accentuate the positive.

If it doesn’t work, no worries — you can always go back to thinking negatively any time you’d like.

(“I paid off all my credit cards” or “I learned how to cook a perfect roast chicken”), things that happened to you (“My cousin gave me that wonderful birthday present” or “I got asked to perform the solo”), things that happened around you (“There is some jasmine growing right next to my bedroom window, and it smells heavenly” or “Those noisy neighbors finally moved away”) or (most likely) some combination of the above.

Don’t have a contest with yourself about the “best” things that happened to you; just list some things that, when you reread the list, make you nod and smile to yourself and think, “Yep. That’s pretty good.”

Step 2. Write Down Ten Nice Things about Yourself.

Now make a list of ten nice things about you. They may be nice qualities that you were born with, like your quick mind and your lovely eyes. They may be nice skills you’ve learned, like your gorgeous gardening skills and your ability to run a mile without losing your breath.

Or maybe they’re things other people appreciate about you, like what a safe and courteous driver you are, and how you always remember everyone’s birthday. Push yourself to come up with ten.

After all, the assignment is not to write down ten extraordinary things about you, or ten things that no one else in the world has ever done — just ten nice things that, again, you can look at and say, “Yep. That’s pretty good.”

Oh, You Look Nice Today.

Oh, You Look Nice Today.

From now on, you must keep track of every single compliment you get.

The rule is this: only write down the phrase or adjective– don’t record who said it or why or what you think they meant.

And I do mean EVERY compliment.

Even the ones you don’t think matter, like, “Oh, you look nice today,” or the generic ones like “Good job,” or even the ones that you suspect aren’t really meant as a compliment, like, “You are so funny…”

If you get one of those, then you write down:

Looks Nice
Does A Good Job


After several months, review the list and see what there is to see.

Here’s one to start with:

I think you are good and brave.

(Now go write that down.)


Dream Big, Lush, Vivid Dreams

Dream Big, Lush, Vivid Dreams

Disappointment is, literally, failing to keep an appointment. Which is why I think it hurts a little more than the other bumps and bruises of life.

When you feel disappointed, you are feeling deprived of something you thought was already in motion. If you’re feeling like you have an “appointment” with a promotion or a successful presentation or a new love, having that thing not work out is especially crushing because it was kind of a done deal inside your mind.

And that old saw about “don’t get your hopes up, and that way you won’t get disappointed,” is the biggest bunch of hooey I’ve ever heard.

First of all, it’s a bad strategy because it plain doesn’t.

If something you want doesn’t work out, you’re going to be bummed whether or not you had anticipated the failure.

And missing an opportunity to have delightfully high hopes seems. . . churlish.

I understand the impulse to say, “I just don’t want to get hurt again.” But guess what? You’re here to get hurt.

We’re here to try again. and again. and again. We’re here to gain resiliency.

So I say go ahead — get your hopes up. Dream big, lush, vivid dreams. Imagine your ideal of success with the full knowledge that reality may never measure up.

Then when things do work out, you haven’t wasted one moment tamping down your enthusiasm. And if they don’t work out, well, then, you are free to feel the full force of your disappointment. Which may or may not be as bad as you had imagined it might be.

I bet that if you stacked up all your disappointments you would you would find that very few of them make you think, “Oh, I wish I hadn’t even tried that.” I bet you would mostly think, “Well, I sure learned a lot.”

And that’s the other thing we’re here for: our soul’s education.

Nevertheless, disappointments can leave deep scars. And some disappointments take longer to heal than we’d like, even when we know we “should be over it by now.”

(Over it by now? Says who? What is this mysterious global time frame on getting over things? Honestly.)

Disappointment is a wise and valuable teacher. It acquaints you with grief. Grief, said the Greeks, is the daughter of anger and sadness. These two powerful emotions need to be felt, explored, and lived through.

Otherwise we are only a living shadow of our true selves: pretending we don’t care about the things we care about most.

So there’s a time to cry and a time to stop crying.

photo credit: A.K. Photography via photopin cc