And as you stand there
On time and
Appropriately clad for the event
With a high-fiber bar in your bag
And extra pens
Let us take this moment to applaud you.
You, the prepared.
You, the accomplished.
You, the bills-paid-on-time and the-taxes-done-in-March.
You, who always returns the shopping cart.
You, who never throws a tantrum.
While the moody, the irresponsible, the near-hysterical and the rude seem to get
All the attention
Let us now praise you.
Just because everyone always expects you
To do well
Does not make it any less remarkable
That you always do so well.
So thank you.
For picking up the slack
For not imposing
For being so kind
And mannerly
And attending to all those pesky details.
Thank you for your consideration
Your generosity
For always remembering and never forgetting:
That a job well done is its own reward
That the opportunity to help someone else is a gift
That the complainers, the cry-babies, the drama queens, the never-use-a-turn-signals, the forgetful, the self-involved, the choleric, the phlegmatic and the your-rules-don’t-apply-to-me-types
Need you to rebel against in order to look like rebels.
You provide the lines – for without the lines, what would they color outside of?
So take a minute
To pat yourself on the back
And say, “Job well done.”
And as you consider someday
Showing up stoned
Or unprepared
Or not at all
And as you imagine someday being imperious
Or demanding
Or the one with the temper
Hear the unspoken “thank you” from a
Grateful nation that is a
Better, smarter, calmer, easier, friendlier and more organized place
Thanks to you
And your dogged diligence.
You are beautiful.
You are precious to us.
You are the hand that calms the water, the wheel that never squeaks, the one we all rely on
And while you probably would have remembered to send a thank-you note,
We forgot.
And just because everyone always expects you
To do well
Does not make it any less remarkable
That you always do so well.
And I would tell you to take the afternoon for yourself
Or sleep in tomorrow
But I’m pretty sure you already have plans.
So just take this very moment right now
To appreciate you
And all that you have done and done well
Even by your own high standards.
And remember:
You are beautiful.
And just because everyone always expects you to
Do well
Does not make it any less amazing, delightful or delicious that
You always do so well.
© Samantha Bennett 2014
Hi Charlynn –
Sweetheart, I think you know in your heart that there is no such thing as a “good” idea or a “bad” idea.
There are only IDEAS.
And the ideas that occur to you are so special –
Because they are yours alone.
It’s all been said before….but not by you.
I mean, if I told you that I had an idea about a postage stamp artist and a postcard artist who have a mysterious love affair and the whole book is made of removable, readable letters between them — oh, and it’s a trilogy….
You might scoff, but the 90s sensation Griffin and Sabine series have sold over 5 million copies worldwide.
Or what about the innovative Choose Your Own Adventure Books?
Those have sold —
wait for it —
250 million copies.
(Oh, and I happen to be friends with the editor of those books. She’s awesome. #hairtosshairtoss #iknowthecoolestpeople)
What about a poorly-reviewed, self-published series of erotic novels loosely inspired by Twilight fan-fic that set a record in the UK for best-selling paperback fiction book of all time? The 50 Shades series has earned over HALF A BILLION DOLLARS in book sales alone.
Not to mention the movies, merchandise, etc….
I mean.
You cannot judge a book idea before you write it.
And – take it from me – sometimes you can’t even judge it even after you write it.
(I was so convinced that The 15 Minute Method was a terrible idea that I actually looked into cancelling my contract with the publisher. #truestory)
So quit asking yourself this unanswerable question.
And quit letting that question keep you from writing.
If you would like to share some about your book idea with me in a small group (no sales – just wisdom and mutual support) – please find a time here.
By the way I’m offering Figure Your Book Out In One Day AND Super-Secret Book Writing Club starting in early Jan — if you’re interested in more info, please email me back here. – S.
P.S. And if you DO NOT want to hear any more about book writing, you can opt out of this 21-day series about the creative and professional process of book writing and still stay on our regular list by clicking here and we’ll take care of it within 24 business hours, OK? Thanks. – S.

At the Palace Theatre in Downtown LA, several hundred broken-hearted people gathered to pay tribute to my beloved friend, mentor, teacher, boss, and hero, Sam Christensen.
The photo above was taken from backstage by my friend Jeff Davis, and I love that you can see my shadow, and the lights from the balcony, and mostly: Sam’s thoughtful face.
Here’s what I said:
Hello. My name is Sam Bennett, and I am an actor, author, playwright, teacher and the CEO of The Organized Artist Company. I was also a Senior Facilitator at Sam Christensen Studios and Sam’s Number One Work Wife for nearly 15 years.
I say all this with great pride. Because that is one of the lessons Sam taught me: Never apologize for who you are. Never apologize for what you do.
I’ve written several books now, but the first one I ever made was a little book of poetry called, “By The Way, You Look Really Great Today,” and I dedicated it to Sam.
The dedication reads, “To Sam Christensen, who taught me everything I know.”
And that’s how it feels.
As though everything that is really worth knowing – and everything I try to teach others – I learned from Sam.
So I thought I’d recap a few of my favorite lessons. Six, to be exact. Because God knows that man loved a list.
#1: God don’t make no junk.
As I said when I started, never apologize for who you are.
And never apologize for what you do. If you’re an actor or an artist or if you shine shoes – stand up tall when you say it. Don’t shuffle or slouch or demur or say you’re “aspiring.” Claim your work with dignity.
#2: People Have Remarkably Strong Feelings About Tomatoes.
And you can discover a great deal about a person if you just ask them, “So…what are the circumstances under which you will, or will not, eat tomatoes?” Try it sometime.
#3: Trust the Process.
When Sam and I were teaching together, it would sometimes happen that an individual, or a group, would come through who didn’t seem to be “gelling,” and we’d turn to each other, worried, and say, “I’m not sure this person is going to get it. I’m not sure the Process is going to work this time….” But it always did. Trust the process. Trust Sam’s Process. Trust the creative process. And trust the process of your life.
#4: People Tell You Who They Are Almost Immediately
I would sometimes wait in the Studio early, so I could be there as the students came in to take their seats for the first time, and I would write down what they said.
“I got lost 3 times on the way here!” says one. “Umm…excuse me….is this seat taken?” whispers another. “When’s lunch!” bellows a third.
And I would write down those statements and include them in their Essence work, and I was often met with amazement – “how did you know?!?” they would exclaim.
Well…you told me.
#5: Depression Is a Valuable Teacher
Sam and I both lived with depression, and he taught me that it can be a gift. Depression forces you to slow down. To examine the soft, wounded places and see if they still hurt. (They do.) And depression gives you a deep appreciation for the interplay between light and shadow.
#6: Art Matters. Actors Matter. Stories Matter.
In fact, art may be the only thing that matters. Sam knew that being an artist and a storyteller was the most important job in any society, and he dedicated his life to helping creative people use their identity to bring their stories to life.
Your art matters.
Your acting matters.
Your stories matter.
And on behalf of Sam and myself, please do everything in your power to do your work, and to get it out into the world in a way that is so powerful, and so indelible, that when it is your time to go, we’ll need to rent out a thousand-seat theatre to celebrate you.
Thank you.
After, I heard too many people say, “I wish I had called him more often.”
Or, “I wish we’d actually had that lunch we kept talking about.”
And, “I wish I had told him how much he mattered to me.”
If you have a favorite teacher, or maybe just a friend you’ve fallen out of touch with, please let me urge you to reach out to them today.
You will be so glad you did.
P.S. BTW, the work Sam & I did together is called The Image Design Process, and it was an identity definition and personal branding process by which individuals – many of them actors – could arrive at their “Essences” and end up with a vocabulary they could use for marketing and also in their creative process. It was a life-changing experience for everyone who got to do it. It gave people a chance to feel seen and heard and appreciated. It was a lot of fun – a big word game – and wonderful to help people self-actualize. So that’s the “Process” that I reference above.) – S.
Here’s a short reflection on life’s ups and downs written during a bit of a low point this past fall. I find it oddly comforting.
Even the stars fall.
Ascension is not better.
Descending is not worse.
Depth is good.
And the ride down is a breeze
As soon as you stop telling yourself that it’s not.
The ride up can be breezy, too
As soon as you drop the story about
The ladder and the struggle.
In fact, maybe it’s you who is
Standing still
with the Universe orbiting your perfect self.
Guess what? It’s okay to have some positive thoughts about yourself.
Many of us were raised in intellectual households, where if you couldn’t prove your point, well, you were just being delusional. I’m asking you to be a little delusional. You may be reluctant to think nice thoughts about yourself. I understand. You may feel that your negative thoughts “keep you in line” and you don’t want to “get a big head.”
Darling, you will not get a big head. I promise.
Step 1. Write Down Ten Successes, Wins, or Blessings from the Past Year.
Grab a pen and write down ten good things that have happened in the past twelve months. It’s time to give those chattering critical voices in your head a rest. It’s time to change the tape. It’s time to accentuate the positive.
If it doesn’t work, no worries — you can always go back to thinking negatively any time you’d like.
(“I paid off all my credit cards” or “I learned how to cook a perfect roast chicken”), things that happened to you (“My cousin gave me that wonderful birthday present” or “I got asked to perform the solo”), things that happened around you (“There is some jasmine growing right next to my bedroom window, and it smells heavenly” or “Those noisy neighbors finally moved away”) or (most likely) some combination of the above.
Don’t have a contest with yourself about the “best” things that happened to you; just list some things that, when you reread the list, make you nod and smile to yourself and think, “Yep. That’s pretty good.”
Step 2. Write Down Ten Nice Things about Yourself.
Now make a list of ten nice things about you. They may be nice qualities that you were born with, like your quick mind and your lovely eyes. They may be nice skills you’ve learned, like your gorgeous gardening skills and your ability to run a mile without losing your breath.
Or maybe they’re things other people appreciate about you, like what a safe and courteous driver you are, and how you always remember everyone’s birthday. Push yourself to come up with ten.
After all, the assignment is not to write down ten extraordinary things about you, or ten things that no one else in the world has ever done — just ten nice things that, again, you can look at and say, “Yep. That’s pretty good.”
And as you stand there
Late again
Because you forgot to allow time to park
And the elevator was slow
And you left 10 minutes late to begin with
With your shoes that pinch
And your pants that are a little too small
Since you started eating white bread again
And as you paw through your bag
Looking for the suite number
That you’re not sure you wrote down to begin with
Let us now praise you.
You, the untidy.
You, the careless.
You, the easily distracted by sparkly things.
The money you spend on late fees alone
Could feed a family in Africa –
Which reminds you that you meant to send in the kids’ Unicef money and
And that despite your best efforts,
You rarely eat a square meal,
You almost never get enough sleep
And exercise seems like a word that magazines have developed
Just to make you feel bad about yourself.
But you are good and brave.
You, flying by the seat of your pants
Making it work
Putting out fires
Saying your prayers
And dancing your dance of now and later and maybe and
As innocent as each morning’s sunrise,
You are a fount of good intentions.
Your good humor is as graceful as a baby giraffe,
Even if that joke you were trying to make to the hotel clerk fell flat
And your toast at the wedding came out sounding a little….funny.
But you have gifts that no one knows about.
You have the strength to bend in the wind
You have the joyful spirit that loves a good belly laugh,
You have the wisdom to understand that everything will all come out all right in the end and
You have the faith to light a candle rather than curse the darkness.
That is, if you could find the book of matches from that romantic restaurant that you went to for your anniversary but since you didn’t have a reservation they made you wait at the bar for half an hour during which you had two appletinis and the rest of the night is a bit of a blur.
So much for the overpriced lingerie.
You are beautiful.
You are beautiful.
Frazzled and overworked and underpaid
You are the one who forgot your wallet
And forgot your receipt for the dry cleaners
And forgot your keys which you just set down five seconds ago, so where could they possibly have gone?
But you never forget to say, “I love you”
And you never forget to give a big smile to that nice parking guy
And you never fail to show endless patience when the
Too-tightly wrapped and overly-conscientious start to offer their Oh-so-helpful suggestions about how you might feel better if you would just learn to alphabetize your spice rack.
You are beautiful.
So, wear the lingerie on Monday for no reason.
And why not just refuse to participate in the bake sale this year?
And give yourself a compliment for something you did well today.
Because you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.