So You Wanna Write A Book? (with Lisa Tener)
WOW – I have never done a free call where so many people had so many questions about book writing, publishing and marketing…clearly, this is HOT : ) And while the wonderful Book Coach Lisa Tener (www.LisaTener.com) and I tried to answer as many questions as we could in the 60-minute call, we wanted to see if we could cover even more ground… So for this week, Lisa & I will be answering questions on her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BringYourBookToLife?sk=wall#!/BringYourBookToLife (link doesn’t work? search for, “Lisa Tener: Bring Your Book To Life) Here’s some of the nice feedback we received during the call —
“Awesome teleconference. Thank you. [Samantha] and Lisa are absolutely wonderful; the wisdom you shared fell upon very attentive ears. I am reignited! Thank you again.” – Angela O.
“GREAT call with Samantha Bennett [and Lisa Tener] today about publishing. The call fortified my resolve to get the book out there right now…all of them!” – Anna S.
“Great info in small time frame. Good work!” – Brian L.
Here’s the downloadable recording – let me know what you think! (Click on the player to listen now, or right-click (or for Mac users, “control”-click) and select “Save As” to save the MP3 to your desktop.)