What’s the Best Reason to Write a Book?
There are so many good reasons to write a book.
You might want to…
share your unique story build your business create a brand get more speaking gigs enjoy more conferred authority have fun grow your audience help others know they are not alone express your creativity leave a legacy become famous get more clients be able to say, “I’m an author” make passive income have an answer when other people keep asking you, “where’s your book?” communicate your truth fill a gap in the marketplace love to write pay it forward inspire others enjoy the challenge get back at someone who told you that you couldn’t make sense of the past entertain tell the truth
Plus a million more great reasons to write a book.
The BEST reason?
The VERY BEST reason to write a book?????
The fact that your book idea keeps tapping you on the shoulder (or pounding you on your head with a folding chair à la WWE) is the best reason.
That’s it.
The desire is the answer itself.
You need no more justification than the fact that you keep thinking about it.
So….perhaps it’s time to relent?
Babe – it’s time to start writing.
Even just 15 minutes a day will make a huge difference in your mental load.
You have been creatively starving yourself – it’s time to nourish your soul.
If you would like to share some about your book idea with me in a small group (no sales – just wisdom and mutual support) – please find a time here.
By the way I’m offering Figure Your Book Out In One Day AND Super-Secret Book Writing Club starting in early Jan — if you’re interested in more info, please email me back here. – S.
P.S. And if you DO NOT want to hear any more about book writing, you can opt out of this 21-day series about the creative and professional process of book writing and still stay on our regular list by clicking here and we’ll take care of it within 24 business hours, OK? Thanks. – S.