Dear Busy Person…

Dear Busy Person…

Dear Busy Person –

You don’t need my applause, nor my sympathy – but I want you to know that I see you.

I see how hard you work

You work hard at work.

Which, in a time in which up to 80% of employees report being “disengaged,” is really saying something. (So if it feels like you are one of just 20% of the people who are doing 80% of the work, well, that actually IS what is happening.)

And even when they are constantly moving the goalposts, you still manage to excel. You make sure your team feels appreciated, and I see you protecting them as much as you can.

There’s no such thing as an 8-hour workday anymore either, is there? You work from early to late, and “lunch” is a myth.

Luckily, when you get home, you really get to put your feet up and relax.


Because there is still the dinner and the laundry and kids and the spouse and the garden and the in-laws and the bills to be paid.

You didn’t know that having a family meant you were now CEO of a million-dollar business, did you?

But it’s true. You are.

Luckily, you get to reward yourself with perks like great vacations, time with friends, and plenty of afternoons devoted to long walks in the park and other soul-restoring activities.


You spend your vacation time visiting family, which is – and hear me when I say this – NOT A VACATION.

And your time with friends is a quick chat from the car while you are on the way back from dropping the kids off somewhere.

And soul-restoring activities….well, that’s just going to have to be put off, isn’t it?


I know you are a crazy-busy, and most of the stuff on your platter cannot be delegated or changed –

but you MUST start making time for yourself.

Even just 15 minutes a day.

You must take time each day to fill your tank, otherwise, you will burn out completely.

(You know this is true.)

Productivity is not about doing more.
Productivity is about doing what matters.

And when you spend even just 15 minutes a day on whatever it is that matters to you, well – the other twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes go a lot more smoothly.

So this is my invitation – my plea –

You matter.
What matters to you matters.

Find 15 minutes today when you can quit putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own and do something that you know will make a difference for YOU.

Because, darling – you are the hero of this story.

And so perhaps I misspoke when I started this – you may not need my applause, but you are definitely getting it.

(insert slow clap that builds to crowds roaring in gratitude and appreciation)

Thank you, our hero.

Dear Busy Person…

3 Signs You Are Ready to Create Your Own Online Workshop, Class or Program

1. You would love to reach people all over the world.

Why limit your work to the people who are available to show up at your selected date, time and location? 

When you teach online, you get to work with to a whole world full of wonderful people who are eager to learn what you have to offer. I’ve had students from all over the US, plus Peru, Israel, Switzerland, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Chile and all over the UK. 

PRO TIP: If you schedule your classes for 12noon PT / 3pm ET/ 8pm GMT / 7am+1day AEDT, that covers most of the English-speaking world. Remember to check for daylight savings time, and use to double check time zones.

2. You would like to sell the recordings of your classes.

Now we all know that there isn’t really any such thing as totally “passive” income. Everything requires some work to set up and maintain. Everything. (And anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.)

But on-demand courses are more popular than ever. A recent report from Renub Research suggests that the online education industry will reach $350 billion, worldwide, by 2025. That’s some tall cake.

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in the morning and see a notification that someone has bought your course and started watching it? Particularly for your “foundational” courses, a moderately-priced on-demand course can be a terrific income stream, and a great first step on your customer’s journey.

Plus it feels great to know that your work is getting out there and really helping people.

PRO TIP: You’ll need to spend some money on some kind of automated system to process payments and deliver the recordings. Fortunately, there are a lot of them out there. The space is changing so rapidly and there are new systems coming out all the time – so ask some other online trainers you trust and then see which system works best for you and your budget.

3. You’ve been thinking about it for long enough, ammiright?

When an idea takes up permanent residence in your mind, that’s a good sign. In fact, for most of us, it’s the only sign.

You don’t have to be an “expert” – you just have to be willing to authentically share what you know with the people who need it. Think about reaching back to folks who are 10 steps behind you. You don’t need to know everything, you just need to be able to get them from where they are to where you are. Make sense?

So quit waiting for the perfect time, and start taking some inspired right action right now.

PRO TIP: Here’s a great first step – check out my free online, on-demand training, 24 Painful Mistakes to Avoid When Creating A Workshop Online (That I Learned the Hard Way) 

[Podcast] 10 Unusual Characteristics of the Highly Creative Person

[Podcast] 10 Unusual Characteristics of the Highly Creative Person

In this inaugural episode, Sam Bennett shares ten qualities and characteristics of highly creative people. So, if you think you are one, this episode may answer some of the questions about why you act the way you do.

Everyone has at least one zone of creative genius. But, some people have multiple zones of genius. These people are known as highly creative people. If you have a grillon ideas all the time and zig when everyone else zags, you might be a highly creative person. 

The Signature Summit is Live Now

I am so tired of flashy, high-pressure, low-content online summits.

I’m craving real wisdom, from women of substance, delivered at a human pace.

The Signature Summit is my antidote to information overload.

Just click here to register for free.

The Signature Summit starts Wed. Sept. 18th, and features these fascinating talks:

– What to Think About When You Think About Writing a Book: Secrets from a Publishing Insider with Judy Gitenstein

– Becoming Magnetic: How to Stop Blocking Yourself & Step Into the Life You Love with Shanna Mora

– Making Friends with Your Body: It’s Not All Lavender and Frock Coats, But it’s Easier Than You Imagine with Jeffifer Sue Shoemaker

– You’re in Love. You’re Engaged. Now What?: The Secret Ingredient to a Meaningful Wedding with Tulis McCall

– You Can’t Wait for the World to Discover You: How to Increase Your Confidence, Your Visibility and Your Income with Janet Barnett

– Rub Your Belly: A Smart Person’s Guide To Healthy Eating with Chef Nicole Monier

– Joy Is Your Superpower: The Mysterious Relationship Between the Bionic Woman and a Life of Joy with Shannon Horn

– How to Spot a Bumblebee on the Moon: Make Pretty Much Whatever You Want and Get it In Front of People with Veronica Guzzardi

– How to Get Good at Anything (even that thing you think you can’t do) with Keiko O’Leary

– Finding Your Power in the Midst of Difficult Change with Karen Gartside

– Managing Your Mind for Limitless Potential with Corin Baldé

– 7 Lessons from the Signature Summit: What Teaching Taught Me About Courage, Creativity and Getting Out of Your Own Way with ME : )

Don’t those sound AMAZING? And DIFFERENT, right? So good.

There’s nothing to buy. No pitch. No upsell.

Just truly great information from some very kind, insightful people.

And some lovely free gifts, if you want.

I could not be more proud of the bravery, willingness, wisdom and humor of the women in this exclusive group, and I know you’re going to fall in love with them, too.

Click here to Register for Free

“Gnashing” is Such a Funny Word

“Gnashing” is Such a Funny Word

– a limited series about unconventional economics –

Want to see me wail & gnash my teeth?

Be the person who tells me that you reallyreallyreally want your life to be different, and then refuse to take any steps toward actually *making* your life different, because, you know… it isn’t a good time…maybe in a few months would be better….and you can’t really afford it…and your spouse isn’t very supportive…and you kinda sorta think that if you just keep doing what you’ve always done, you will somehow get a new result.


Here is what I know to be true:

If you are willing to take one tiny step toward what you want, the Universe will rush a thousand steps towards you.

If you are willing to do things differently, you will get different results.

If you are willing to get uncomfortable – and stay uncomfortable – you will find yourself in world of miracles followed by more miracles.

Now, I am not saying that entrepreneurship is for everyone.

Far from it.

(Of course, if it was really not for you, you probably would’ve opted out of this email series already.)

Most entrepreneurship courses out there are RESULTS oriented.

“How to Create Programs & Packages”

“How to Have Authentic Sales Conversations”

“How to Write Better Copy”

“How to Use Social Media When You Kind of Hate Social Media”

“How to Use Your Intuition & Self Care to Grow Your Business Without Going Nuts”

And all that is good.

I love practical, results-oriented training.

So I give you access to those teachings and more – done with my trademark flair : )

But more importantly, we are PROCESS oriented.

  • I walk with you, every step of the way.
  • I will review your sales page, talk you off the ledge when your best client quits and advise you on which book you should write next, and why.
  • I will dive into your wild, uncharted spiritual process and pray with you.
  • I will be 100% honest with you.
  • I will share the real “backstage view” of how I run my multi-six figure business from my cozy place by the beach.

And you will find yourself with a beautiful community of like-minded creatives who will cheer you on, ask you hard questions and give you a chance to share your gifts with them.

Sam’s Pro Club is not for everyone.

It’s not a quick fix.

It’s not cookie-cutter.

It’s a private, hand-crafted community: led by me, and inspired by you.

And it comes with a 30-Day Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Tuition Cheerfully Refunded.

CLICK HERE to take one tiny step

(Please….only you can prevent my teeth-gnashing…)

Thank you so much for taking this journey with me.



P.S. Here’s what I know for sure: taking baby steps like this is the way to grow into your prosperous, sustainable life. Even just 15 minutes a day can take you there. But you’re going to need a supportive community, some solid training in entrepreneurial concepts and some good advice (both practical and spiritual) from someone who’s done it already. That’s what Sam’s Pro Club is all about – and you can get started for just $12.32/day (annual subscription). Check it out here– S.

“And the money has hit my account! I was able to walk my very first coaching client through her objections and got her to yes. Amazing. I just followed Sam’s script which removed 97% of the anxiety!! Thanks Samantha Bennett!” – M.C., current member of Sam’s Pro Club

Dear Busy Person…

Inspiration & Good Advice

 a limited series about unconventional economics

I made a special (short) video just for you: the creative person who feels like they would like to make money from their creativity, but isn’t sure how to do that.

You know the world needs your good work.

And please let me know how all this is landing for you, OK?



“After living on this planet for over 50 years I finally found [Sam’s Pro Club] the right group for business, productivity, personal satisfaction and creativity. Sam has addressed issues and answered questions that have kept me stuck for years!” – Regan Wilders‬, current member of Sam’s Pro Club