How to Create a Miracle

I am so excited to share with you my NEW BOOK.

Ahh.. the joy (and pain) of birthing a new project… it’s a glorious occasion, that I am sooo excited to experience with YOU.

  • Yesterday I hosted an AWESOME webinar all about how you can truly START RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE and start getting the results you desire.
    I didn’t want you to miss out on this information so here is the replay of the webinar: CLICK HERE
  • Secondly… over the next few days I am going to be sharing with you excerpts from my new book.

So let’s get started.. here is the first little peek:

Chapter 1 – How to Create a Miracle

You know the times when you have had a goal or a dream, worked hard to make it happen and then . . . just . . . nothing? No movement. Can’t get traction. So frustrating, right?

Other times, you have a goal or a dream, and you take just a very few baby steps toward it, and suddenly it feels as if the universe itself comes rushing in to support you. It seems that all you have to do is put out a little energy, and you get a big tidal wave of energy back. Maybe you have an idea in your head about moving houses, and the next thing you know, the perfect place becomes available, and it’s easily affordable, and you get to just swan right in. Or maybe you’re dreaming of meeting the perfect business partner, and then, out of the blue, that person is standing right in front of you, ready and willing. It’s wonderful when that happens, isn’t it?

Ask around and you’ll hear a lot of different explanations for why sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you don’t. People may invoke the power of a strong intention, vibration, divine timing, angels, destiny, manifestation skills, karma, luck, or happenstance. But I have a different theory — and please note that I mean theory in the sense of an interesting way to think about things, not in the scientific sense.

Imagine that you are standing in the exact center of your world: that you are the sun, the hub, the eye of the storm. Now imagine that there are lines, like spokes on a wheel, or like the individual puffs on a dandelion, extending out from you that connect you with everything else. Those lines represent your relationship with the[??3] potentiality of all things[EB4] . Every opportunity, every relationship, every everything can be connected to you through those spokes. Can you see it?

Now, if you take one small step in any direction, can you imagine how those lines shift in their relationship with you?

To finish reading… just grab a copy here:

Be on the lookout for tomorrows excerpt… Chapter 3 – Buckle Up, Because I Am About to Get Deep In Here, People

It’s Them. (Start Right Where You Are)

It’s the economy.
It’s your job.
It’s the boss.
It’s the Internet.
It’s him, her and them. (Especially THEM!)

You may be believing that the only reason you’re not moving forward on your project is because someone or something is in your way.

You’re pretty sure that you’d be just fine if it weren’t for those outside circumstances.

Or that person.

Or that group of people.

But here’s the problem: You can’t control them.

And they are NOT going to change.

Your job is not going to change.
That person is not going to change.
The condition of the world is not going to alter itself to suit you better.

So stop trying to control things you cannot control.

Let me say that again: STOP trying to control the things over which you have no control.

And quit giving those things so much space inside of your mind.

Just bless them, and, inasmuch as is possible, forget them.

Quit having imaginary arguments with them about how they should be treating you better.

Quit complaining. Entirely.

Instead, put as much of your focus as you can on the things you CAN control.

Namely: YOU.

You control how often you take a deep breath. You control the food you eat. You control the number of times you think loving, grateful thoughts.

You control the stories you tell yourself about you, your work and the world.

Shifting your focus from “out there” to “in here” will have an immediate and radical impact on your life. You will have reclaimed your power.

And here’s the wiggly bit — from that new position of power, you actually might be able to have an impact on the outside world.

My friend Jason has made a commitment to himself that every time he travels, he makes an effort to be the kindest person that anyone at that airport deals with that day. He considers it his personal mission to make traveling a gentler experience for himself and for everyone he meets. Pretty great, huh?

Simply by shifting his attention from the things he can’t control (TSA, delayed flights, crowded waiting areas, crying children) and paying strict attention to that which he can control (his attitude, his gratitude, his sense of humor, his breathing, his recognition of the Divine in everyone he meets) Jason manages to turn what can be a grueling experience into a blessing.

When you keep your focus “out there,” you are a victim.

When you keep your focus “in here,” you’re a transformational agent of change.

Little shift; big difference.

This little missive is #3 in a series of 7 that I’m doing to encourage you to Start Right Where You Are.

Start Right Where You Are is a lovely, live, 6-week teleclass that starts next Friday, Oct. 16th. It’s only $197 (payment plan available) and, as usual, “satisfaction guaranteed or your tuition cheerfully refunded.”

Here’s where you can go to find out more about it:

And here’s where you can watch the straight-from-the-heart preview event:

Which got these responses:

“awesome very helpful answer – so joyfully actionable. I’m on it!” – K.

“totally laughing out loud” – C.

“Yep! I even snorted” – T

“love that reframing – actually brought tears for honoring and being authentic..” – K.

“very emotional…. thank you Sam” – S.

When was the last time a webinar made you laugh AND cry?!!?

Plus there’s a special offer that’s only good for the first 50 people who take advantage of it, so listen SOON, OK?

So just to recap, here are your opportunities:

1) Spend 15 minutes right now working on a project that is dear to your heart.

2) Watch the “Procrastination & Desire” video here:

3) Check out Start Right Where You Are at and see if it feels like a good fit for you.

And please write me back and let me know how it goes for you, OK?

Remember: The World Needs Your Art.

You’ve Been Burned Before (Start Right Where You Are)

“My teacher told me I had no talent.”

“My partner isn’t very supportive.”

“I’ve failed before…”

One of the reasons you aren’t moving forward on your projects is because you got your heart broken.

You’ve gotten bad reviews, lost money, chosen bad partners, been scorned, laughed at, put down, fired, misunderstood, tricked and rejected.

And that old pain still hurts.

But guess what?

We ALL have experienced that pain.

Moving past the pain is what turns you into a great artist, because it forces you to learn about fragility, about limitations, about foolishness, ambition and trust.

Once you release the idea that you (alone) have been victimized, you can start to dive into the infinite subtleties of human dynamics.

You can start to realize that everyone in your life genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. They honestly believed that they were helping you, protecting you, teaching you something important.

No matter how misguided, they were doing the best they could with the information they had at the time.

Just as you were.

And are, still.

Your creative life is not supposed to be an endless hopscotching from one lily pad of success to another, any more than every romance is supposed to end in happily-ever-after.

Being a creative genius is about falling down 8 times and getting up 9.

Or, more accurately, falling down 8000 times and getting up 8001.

Every single person – and certainly every single artist – can tell you toe-curling stories about their agonizing failures and impossible obstacles.

So…it’s not just you.

I know your heartbreak has been painful for you, but it’s no reason to stop working.

In fact, the first thing I would recommend is for you to make some art about that heartbreak.

Make a story/song/dance/picture about that humiliated student, that wounded daughter, that neglected performer, that bad review, that unwise bargain.

And then…perhaps you can spend 15 minutes on your project.

“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” – Tom Hanks as Jimmy Duggan in A League of Their Own, screenplay by the great Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel

This little missive is #2 in a series of 7 that I’m doing to encourage you to Start Right Where You Are.

Start Right Where You Are is a lovely, live, 6-week teleclass that starts next Friday, Oct. 16th. It’s only $197 (payment plan available) and, as usual, “satisfaction guaranteed or your tuition cheerfully refunded.”

Here’s where you can go to find out more about it:

And here’s where you can watch the straight-from-the-heart preview event:

Which got these responses:

“awesome very helpful answer – so joyfully actionable. I’m on it!” – K.

“totally laughing out loud” – C.

“Yep! I even snorted” – T

“love that reframing – actually brought tears for honoring and being authentic..” – K.

“very emotional…. thank you Sam” – S.

When was the last time a webinar made you laugh AND cry?!!?

Plus there’s a special offer that’s only good for the first 50 people who take advantage of it, so listen SOON, OK?

So just to recap, here are your opportunities:

1) Spend 15 minutes right now making some art about one time when you got your creative heart broken.

2) Watch the “Procrastination & Desire” video here:

3) Check out Start Right Where You Are at and see if it feels like a good fit for you.

And please write me back and let me know how it goes for you, OK?

Remember: The World Needs Your Art.


You Just Don’t Have The Time? (Start Right Where You Are)

“I’m so busy…I just don’t have the time.”

“Now is not the right time…maybe later.”

“I’m not ready yet.”

You know your projects are important to you…but you just can’t seem to find the time to work on them.

Or maybe you feel like there will be some time in the future….once the kids are in school, or once you lose 10 pounds, or maybe after the holidays….

Or you honestly believe that you are not yet ready to begin. You need another certification, or maybe a training, or you just need to feel more ready.

I hear this all the time.

And in all love, I gotta say: BALONEY.

You DO have the time. You’re just spending it on something else.

And I guarantee there is no time in the future when it will be more “convenient” or a “better” time to begin.

And you are ready.

Believe me, the fact that you have had the idea tells me that you’re ready. If you weren’t ready, you never would have thought of it.

Look, we all get the same 24 hours.

Nobody gets more and nobody gets less.

And I know you have real demands on your time…the job, the kids, the spouse, the parents, the community….but I bet you can find 15 minutes, right?

So do that.

Commit to that right now.
Put your hand on your heart and say this pledge:
“I promise that I will spend 15 minutes every single day, 365 days a year, on my project, starting right now.”

And then set your timer or the alarm on your phone and do it.

Even if you just stare at a blank piece of paper for 15 minutes – that’s great!

Or maybe you want to meditate or pray or breathe or stretch or dance or play with polymer clay or embroider a flower on a scrap of fabric or compose a few bars or write just ONE SENTENCE of your memoir….

Whatever the project is that you know would make a difference in your life, spend 15 minutes on it right now.

And then do that again tomorrow.

And the next day.

And then – and this one might be hard because somehow doing more than 3 in row of anything can be a little challenging – you’ll want to do it again. And maybe give your a little reward (like a nice walk around the block or a phone call with an old friend or a nice swim….) just for being so good and brave.

This little missive in one is a series of 7 that I’m doing to encourage you to Start Right Where You Are.

Start Right Where You Are is a lovely, live, 6-week teleclass that starts next Friday, Oct. 16th. It’s only $197 (payment plan available) and “satisfaction guaranteed or your tuition cheerfully refunded.”

Here’s where you can go to find out more about it:

And here’s where you can watch the straight-from-the-heart preview event:

Which got these responses:

“awesome very helpful answer – so joyfully actionable. I’m on it!” – K.

“totally laughing out loud” – C.

“Yep! I even snorted” – T

“love that reframing – actually brought tears for honoring and being authentic..” – K.

“very emotional…. thank you Sam” – S.

When was the last time a webinar made you laugh AND cry?!!?

Plus there’s a special offer that’s only good for the first 50 people who take advantage of it, so listen SOON, OK?

So just to recap, here are your opportunities:

1) Spend 15 minutes right now on a project that means something to you.

2) Watch the “Procrastination & Desire” video here:

3) Check out Start Right Where You Are at and see if it feels like a good fit for you.

And please write me back and let me know how it goes for you, OK?

Remember: The World Needs Your Art.