Seth Godin mobile-tablet

Seth Godin mobile-tablet

Sam Bennett hears you, knows you, is you. She has been in your shoes, felt your fear and been as stuck as you have….In an astonishing act of generosity, she’s shared all of that…

Seth Godin I best-selling author and marketing genius

I get deflated and discouraged….

I get deflated and discouraged….

Hello again, Sam,

Well, I got the Kindle version of your Start Where You Are book and started reading it last night. Thank you for writing the book!!! Up to now I’ve been one of the 80% who gets excited by every new, shiny self-help program for artists-procrastinators, get really into it and then poof! I get deflated and discouraged.

I like the introduction to your book where you reply to the person who writes that he feeds off your webinar and other wonderful offerings but seems to be stuck forever at square one. I loved your book about the 15-minute a day process and enjoyed going through all the exercises. It helped me clean the clutter in my studio and get organized (and my studio remained organized), it helped me create and deliver faster some of the creative projects I was working on and I LOVE receiving every day your 365 reasons for writing. I read them and they always have something for me to think about.

I haven’t been able to get the 15-minutes a day thing going on my major projects. I still have the mindset of: “if I don’t have the whole day, whole week or whole month to work on a major project, I can’t get started. I’m hoping that I’ll shift enough my attitude in that department that it will become easier for me to work first in MY OWN projects for 15 minutes before anything else. I like the idea that tiny shifts causing a big difference. I just did the first Little change action step: pick a word that you would like to be able to say describes you, and the first word that popped into my head was BOLD. So part of my 1% boldness is to write to you!

Thank you!

I keep digging deep into who I am and who I might be

I keep digging deep into who I am and who I might be

This group inspires me to keep pulling out the stops and to keep digging deep into who I am and who I might be. So I feel inspired to share some long lost writing – never shared – that came out of a pilot project. I realize how often I used to make things without knowing where they belonged or where they would go. It was a big missing part in my puzzle so I share this in gratitude at Sam’s wistful ways of opening up my sense of potential products.

I feel happy to have been following my nose in processes for many years and that now I can see where they might belong. It’s been a long journey but I feel filled with curiosity and new dimensions. Sam is such a true guide that I feel as if I’m in some kind of epic “Lord of the Rings” type story!! I’ve had some deep down dark times but now the path keeps becoming more sparkly. I don’t think of myself as a writer yet I think the biggest gift of many years of working with Sam is that more and more I’ve discovered writing as the most fundamental part of my expression on this creative journey.

Today is Day 343 of my writing streak

Today is Day 343 of my writing streak

Facebook Group: The 365 Club
April 3, 2017 at 3:45pm

Today is Day 343 of my writing streak. I’m superstitious about looking too far ahead but with luck I’ll reach the one-year mark while I’m out in Arizona at ICON with Sam and the CG-CEO crew. Can’t think of a better way to celebrate, especially since Samantha Bennett inspired me to start this streak!

Thank you for giving me the courage, motivation and confidence

Dear Sam,

Thank you for being brave and sharing these. The first two you shared had me in tears and spoke directly to my heart. It is so comforting to know that there is another who feels and goes through the same stuff. It gives me courage to continue….Thank you.

I remain far behind with the CEO lite course material but for the best reason….I am making art! My writing is a daily ongoing practise and I have just returned from Singapore where I exhibited at the Affordable Air Fair. I sold three works at prices I have never dreamed of charging. (I had expected clients would negotiate and so I built in margins for that – none of the buyers battered an eyelid and happily paid full price). Thank you for giving me the courage, motivation and confidence to do all this.
