Alright, let’s cut the fluff, shall we? You’re not writing. I know, I know, life. But let’s be real, “life” is just a fancy word for “excuses,” right? I sent out a little email, poked the bear a bit, asked why you’re not spending 15 minutes a day on that thing you’re supposed to be doing. And oh boy, did the excuses roll in. Perfectionism? Imposter syndrome? Too busy? Honey, please. We’ve all got those gremlins chattering in our ears. I started writing a long, drawn-out email, addressing each one of your “concerns” (a.k.a. roadblocks you’ve built for yourself). But then I thought, “Sam, you’re smarter than this. They know.” Here’s the truth bomb: You’re not writing because you’re resisting change. Yep, I said it. You’re comfortable in your rut. You’re cozy in your excuses. It’s safe there. But safe doesn’t get books written, does it? Look, I get it. Change is scary. It’s like wearing mismatched socks in public – you think everyone’s staring, but mostly, they’re just wondering why you’re so worried about socks. But here’s the thing: If you want a different result, you gotta do something different. And that something is probably writing for 15 minutes a day. Enter the Super Secret Book Writing Club. (Yes, it’s a bit dramatic, but so is writing a book.) It’s not magic. It’s not a fairy godmother waving a wand and poof! You’re a published author. (Though, wouldn’t that be nice?) It’s:
I’ve helped countless writers, and I can help you. I’m not saying it’ll be a walk in the park, but it will be worth it. Imagine this: Labor Day rolls around, and someone asks what you did this summer. You get to say, with a casual flick of the hair, “Oh, I wrote a book.” #hairtosshairtoss, people. Don’t believe me? Here’s what some of my peeps are saying:
Want a taste? Reply to this post and I’ll send you a link to the first session, on me. No pressure, just a chance to see if it’s your jam. Bottom line: The world needs your story. Stop hiding it. Stop making excuses. And start writing. And just so you know, you look great today. Now go write.