None of this has turned out how we thought.
But we’re old enough to know that maybe we thought wrong to begin with.
Either way, we are also old enough to be exquisitely grateful
for the path we have walked together
for the moments when a single glance changed everything
and for the still-felt love of those who have gone on before us.
We see the beauty in the dented silver settings.
We smile to hear conversations as familiar as old songs.
Pause, now, and take a snapshot in your mind of this moment:
You – here now – in the shape you’re in –
not as new as you once were, but not as old as you will be.
Feel a hug from a distant friend
and, if you like, you can repeat my family’s toast,
“To those who are here, and those who are not.”
P.S. If you would like to share this, please feel free – just be sure to include Sam’s name, copyright and website, OK? Thanks so much.

By The Way, You Look Really Great Today

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