You see, who I am is not singular. The bio above is simply me turning my multiplicity of talents and skills into a statement that ***demonstrates*** that I am a multi-dimensional, Creativity and Productivity Specialist.
So here’s my #1 tip for multi-hyphenate people like you and me: Go with it.
You shine brightly in so many ways. So quit thinking that you need to “narrow down” and “just focus on one thing,” and start thinking about what the cumulative effect of your body of experience and your many skills and talents might mean for you then, please, share with us in the comments.
Thank you Samantha
I think this is probably the first time that someone acknowledges the significance of being multitalented and multi skilled, and not to narrow down. Thanks for being unique, different and true.
Right back at you, Malakai – hooray for your many talents and skills!
Spot on! I fight the stereotype advice to “find your niche”. I rebuke that idea. Multifaceted people are extremely valuable to society. They can inspire others seemingly on the spot.
I too enjoy the multi-hyphenated description “life-long learner, leadership thought leader, executive coach, business advisor, blogger, vlogger, podcast host, LinkedIn early adopter, banker, entrepreneur, consultant, career coach, life coach, husband, father, good neighbor, struggling Christian (in today’s mixed up world)”
As I head into a new year, my thoughts go to narrowing down my focus and eliminate some of the things that I love and do well, in order to enhance and spotlight the others. But your #1tip saved me…do it all and enjoy every bit of it! Thank you!!
YAY! Here’s to your ENJOYMENT.
And thanks for taking the time to write, Christina.