Failure Is the Path to Success

Introduction: Confronting the Fear of Failure

Today, let’s talk about something crucial that holds many of us back: the fear of failure. It’s easy to recognize when fear stops us from moving forward. Questions like “What will people think?” or “What if I fail publicly?” often haunt us. But what if failure is not a stop sign but rather an indicator of progress?

Unlocking the Power of Failure

Admittedly, accepting failure as a part of growth is easier said than done. Many aren’t there yet, including myself. However, reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve learned that failure can indeed pave the way to success.

Here’s the crux: Failure is the only path to success. Failing signifies attempting something new, pushing your abilities and knowledge to the limit. It means stepping into uncharted territories, which inevitably leads to growth. If you’re not failing, you might not be trying anything new, and consequently, stagnating. Remember, creativity is stifled by stagnation.

Failure Leading to New Opportunities

Take the example of my encounter with a publishing house. My initial hope was for a 10th anniversary edition of “Get It Done,” but the plan fell through. Or did it? My agent pointed out an interesting offer hidden in the response email – an opportunity to write about overwhelm, which led to a book deal. The failure to achieve one goal opened the door to a more fitting opportunity.

Physical Failure Transforming into Lived Wisdom

For over two years, I’ve battled long-haul COVID, affecting my energy and cognitive abilities. Energy-draining fatigue meant I had to work differently, which led to the creation of the “15-Minute Method.” My body’s limitations became my teacher, deepening my understanding and commitment to this philosophy, which transformed into lived wisdom.

Real Estate Lessons: Failure as a Catalyst for Growth

A memorable failure occurred when I couldn’t afford to buy a home in Southern California after the building I lived in converted into an Airbnb. This inability led me to an unforeseen opportunity in Connecticut real estate, ultimately resulting in a significant financial gain. Thus, sometimes failure redirects us toward unexpected benefits.

Embracing Failure as a Leader

In leadership, actively seeking situations where you might fail can keep you grounded and innovative. Being a leader often shields you from hearing essential criticism. Embrace the discomfort and vulnerability of failing to remind yourself what it’s like for those you lead and serve.

The Joy of Failing Forward

By now, I hope you’re considering embracing failure rather than fearing it. Start that book, make those videos, or push those sales plans forward. Plan to fail repeatedly at first—and that’s okay. The beauty of failure lies in the learning and opportunities that arise from it.

Welcoming Failure as a Friend

Reflect on your life. Recall moments when failure seemed certain but something beautiful emerged. Let failure be your revered teacher, guiding you to push beyond limits, fail joyfully, and persist with grace. Challenge yourself to fail more often and with less judgment, unlocking the boundless potential that lies ahead.

By sharing our failures and learning from them, not only do we grow personally, but we also encourage others to view their setbacks as stepping stones to success. Embrace failure and discover the lessons and opportunities it unfolds. Visit to learn more and sign up. Join a supportive community that will help you put consistent effort behind your dreams, providing the energy and accountability you need to succeed.

15 Minute Reset – How to Instantly Find Your Focus, Freedom, and Joy

Are you struggling to find focus, freedom, and joy in your daily life? You’re not alone. Many of us feel pulled in too many directions, struggling to make progress on the goals and dreams that mean the most to us. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking your potential lies in just 15 minutes a day?

Welcome to the 15 Minute Method

As you may know, I wrote a book called “The 15 Minute Method: The Surprisingly Simple Art of Getting It Done.” In hindsight, I now think it should be called “The Subversively Simple Art of Getting It Done,” because, yes, it is sort of subversive. Everybody underestimates it, right? But when people actually commit to it, miracles happen.

The Common Pitfalls

Many people dismiss the 15-minute method, thinking, “That’s not going to work for me,” or “I already know about that.” However, those who give it an honest try often experience daily miracles. I see countless manifestation techniques on social media—dream it and be it, they say. But here’s the truth: you manifest your dreams by doing, by taking action every single day.

Establishing New Habits

We are creatures of habit, and our habits can keep us stuck in a rut. The good news? We are also drawn to new and different things, especially when there’s a sense of urgency. Unfortunately, we often let urgent tasks trump important tasks. Another challenge we face is our need for social love and attention. We sometimes prioritize tasks that gain us approval from others over those that are truly significant to us.

Making the Change

How can we turn things around? Start by creating new, supportive habits. Make it easy for yourself to spend the first 15 minutes of the day on something meaningful—whether that’s writing, meditation, or exercise. Surround yourself with supportive people and consider joining a daily practicum. This kind of community can provide the accountability you need to stay on track.

Building Self-Love Through Promises

We all want love from others, but self-love is equally crucial. You build self-trust, esteem, and love by keeping promises to yourself. If you struggle with self-confidence or self-worth, start by committing to small, daily actions. Rack up enough 15-minute increments, and you’ll begin to notice a significant shift in your self-perception.

Your Turn: Take Action

Think of something you’ve been putting off—something that’s close to your heart. Maybe it’s a big move, dealing with finances, writing a book, or focusing on your spiritual growth. What’s stopping you from spending 15 minutes a day on this? Write down your goal and be honest with yourself about what you want.

I invite you to join me in a mini 15-minute session. Set a timer and focus on your chosen task. You may be amazed at what you can accomplish in such a short time. If you’d like to take it a step further, consider joining our daily practicum—15 minutes of focused action every weekday. Visit to learn more and sign up. Join a supportive community that will help you put consistent effort behind your dreams, providing the energy and accountability you need to succeed.

Your dreams matter, and you have the power to make them a reality—just 15 minutes at a time. Surround yourself with support, keep your promises to yourself, and witness the incredible transformations that can unfold. Let’s take that first step together. Thank you for reading, and remember: your time, your dreams, and your efforts are all incredibly valuable. Start today, and see where 15 minutes can take you.