In Praise Of The Over-Sensitive

In Praise Of The Over-Sensitive

And as you stand there

Your eyes brimming with tears because you just saw

That commercial

And you are wondering why you even try to maintain your composure when

Everything you feel shows on your face

And your heart is permanently attached to

Your sleeve


Let us now praise you.


You, as innocent as that tattered toy you’ll never get rid of.

You, as vulnerable as the dawn (though everyone thinks you’re as brave as high noon).

You, with the soul that’s older and deeper than the sea.


You are beautiful.


You are the one we turn to when we need a

Shoulder to cry on

A hand to hold

Or just some fervent praise to make us feel good about ourselves.


You are our biggest fan.


And while you sometimes get trapped by that voice in your head that says

You fool

You fool

You fool

Why can’t you just for once

Go for the money

Let it slide

Not take it all so personally

(Although, how else a person would take it is a bit of a mystery…)

And why can’t you learn to just

Suit up and show up and shut up?


But no.


Your feelings are how you know you’re alive.


And while the family you were born into may still call you:


Sensitive, too sensitive, waaaaaay too sensitive, weird, artsy, melodramatic, a big ol’ drama queen, psychic, unique, odd, old-fashioned, eccentric, misguided, special, tolerant of ambiguity, optimistic, viciously self-critical, expressive, inventive, pollyanna, misunderstood, different, deluded, ambitious, contrary, talkative, awake, gifted, diverse, scary, intense, playful, iconoclastic, independent, freaky, unrealistic or just plain crazy


You know better than to expect them to understand you.


And you have made your own

Family of friends and orphans and strays and

You would do anything for them

And have, come to think of it.


But you don’t keep score like that. Which is a good thing,

Because you would never come out even.


You overshare, overcompensate, overthink, overdo, overanalyze, overtalk and

Overwork – a word for which the past tense is: overwrought.


You, my beautiful love, are overwrought.

And we don’t want you any other way.


For it is you who looks every single homeless person in the eye.


You who can recall the name, birthdate and astrological sign of every person we’ve ever dated.


You, who rescues the animals,

Sings to the children,

Spots our moment of despair from across the room and rushes in, heedless, to hug and hold us when we never even knew what hit us.


But you knew.


You may not believe in psychic ability, but it does seem pretty freaking obvious to you pretty much exactly what is going on with pretty much everybody pretty much all of the time.


And you can’t believe we can’t see it, too.


And all that discernment and intuition and, yes, sensitivity, makes

Going to parties a horror show and

Getting dressed for parties even worse –

And not being invited to parties the very worst thing of all.


But remember about your need for solitude.


And remember the joy you feel when you lose yourself in your work, your art, your craft.


And remember, please, to take good care of your tender self and not watch scary movies like the evening news and not hang around negative-toxic-energy-vampire-people and remember to move your seductive body and

Lift your eyes to the sky because no one knows like you that:


All This Has Come To Pass.


And while we all wish you wouldn’t drink so much,

We understand why you do.


And we are so grateful to you.


You are so beautiful.


And we know that it is not that

You are over-sensitive,

It’s just that

The rest of us are under-sensitive.



oh my beloveds…

oh my beloveds…

There is only one thing that ever changed the world: A NEW STORY.
So if you want to change the world, you must begin to tell a new story.
Stop repeating the stories created by the info-advert-tain-u-ment industry.
Look closely and notice something remarkable about the world.
Be still.
Ask a question you’ve never thought of before.
Tell a new story.
Stop repeating your old stories about yourself and what you are and are not capable of.
Look closely at your life and notice something unusual.
Be still. Do not rush to judgment.
Ask yourself something about you that no one has ever asked before.
Tell a new story.
Stop rehearsing stories about the future.
Look closely and notice that which is the same as it ever was. (#sameasiteverwas)
Be still.
Listen to the rhythm of history as it meets a new beat.
Tell a new story.
I talk to people every day who say,
“I’m not sure what to write/create…”
And I say,
“Of course you don’t.
You haven’t done it yet.”
Luckily, it’s not too late.
And the world is desperate for your story.
Please –
Tell us a new story.
We Fell Asleep

We Fell Asleep

In March 2020,
I had a dream
that we all fell asleep for three years.
When we woke up,
we remembered that not all of us woke up.

Our friends had slipped away in the long
grey night
down a hidden staircase and across
A deep lake.

They are dancing now.
A disco on the head of a pin.

Now we are bestirred
Missing that which escaped through locked doors
masked like a thief.

The normal pace of days –
we just can’t seem to get the hang of it.

Lost in a wood where the trees have leaves of silver.
Snap off a twig.
Could be useful later.

and as tired as a child at the fair.

So tired
and afraid to fall asleep again.

With the masks I could see your eyes smile,
but not your mouth.
Now I see your mouth smile, but it does not reach
your eyes.

Let us wander a bit further along
where the trees have leaves of gold
and the faint thump of the dance floor is heard.

Let us say the name
of each one we have lost
or lost track of

Let us say the names of those who suffer
riddled with fatigue
unable to stand up for themselves
laid off
laid down
laden down.

And now I say
your name.
To honor you
and your sleeping
and your waking
and your smiling
and your tears

And the crumpled up bit of ambition that’s still in your pocket

And the loud thump of your endlessly loving heart.

We are here to learn a new way
maybe gentler
Maybe hungrier.

We’ll travel together to where the trees
sparkle with diamonds
and we’ll wear out our dancing shoes.

©Sam Bennett

Photo by Andisheh A on Unsplash
Ode to the Busy

Ode to the Busy

I see you
Making life easier for everyone else.
The way you are patient with the clerk
Pick up yet another errant sock
Get another mostly homemade meal on the table
Plus extra in a tupperware for the ailing neighbor.
“Busy” is a word you left behind long ago
Because it implies that there is a world – or a day –
In which you are not busy.
In every moment you are working, planning –
Juggling –
Giving your warm-hearted attention to this issue and the next
To this needy person and the next.
And it seems like being strong and capable is
Its own punishment
Every moment a sharp-toothed hydra, growing two heads for
Each one you think you’ve handled.
Everyone turns to you.
Every problem is yours to solve.
And you still feel as though maybe you are not
Doing enough.
The painful fear of failing is
Worse than the fatigue
So you keep going.
Luckily, you have an excellent sense of humor
And a love of long walks
And three close friends on speed dial.
And you are excellent at counting your blessings.
Blessed are those in back-to-back meetings, for theirs is the patience of mountains.
Blessed are those who are annoyed by willful ignorance, for theirs is a righteous fury.
Blessed are the uncomplaining, for theirs is a peaceful surrender to the inanities of the world.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for carbs and wine, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are those who dance in the kitchen
Make time for family game night
Say, “I love you” at every single opportunity
Ignoring the eye rolls of the young ones
As you go out of your way to make an
Ordinary moment
A memory.
Because it is the memories that matter.
A legacy of moonlight on mown grass
And a quick hug.
You are indeed as busy as a bee – the Queen Bee –
Sensitive to the hum of the whole hive
Filled with sweetness and good medicine
The center of the whole eco-system, really.
The center of the benevolent hum.
©2022 Sam Bennett
A Prayer For Our Family

A Prayer For Our Family


None of this has turned out how we thought.
But we’re old enough to know that maybe we thought wrong to begin with.
Either way, we are also old enough to be exquisitely grateful
for the path we have walked together
for the moments when a single glance changed everything
and for the still-felt love of those who have gone on before us.
We see the beauty in the dented silver settings.
We smile to hear conversations as familiar as old songs.
Pause, now, and take a snapshot in your mind of this moment:
You – here now – in the shape you’re in –
not as new as you once were, but not as old as you will be.
Feel a hug from a distant friend
and, if you like, you can repeat my family’s toast,
“To those who are here, and those who are not.”
P.S. If you would like to share this, please feel free – just be sure to include Sam’s name, copyright and website, OK? Thanks so much.

By The Way, You Look Really Great Today
A Prayer for the Strong

A Prayer for the Strong

After weeks and weeks of barely being able to write at all, I woke up yesterday at 5am with this:

A Prayer for the Strong

You come to God willing to be an
equal partner. 60-40, even.

“I’ll do the work,” you pray, “Just
show me where to go.”

And you are careful to pray more for
others than for yourself.

And you never, ever complain.

You really try to keep your requests
concise: Serenity. Courage. Wisdom.

But deep within there is the cry of
an anguished teenager, a broken-hearted
child, a damsel in distress.

Perhaps withholding your tantrum isn’t
doing God – or you – or the world –
any favors.

Perhaps you don’t need to fold your desire away
like cotton panties in a drawer.

Perhaps you could stand there, naked, tear-stained,
helpless – allowing raw grace to descend
upon your weary soul.

©2020 – S. Bennett

I hope this finds you well.

Stay #CalmKindCreative



By The Way, You Look Really Great Today