A Prayer for Hoping against Hope

A Prayer for Hoping against Hope

And as you stand there

Hands clasped in front of you

Eyes downcast

Concealing the disobedient pounding of your heart
It dawns on you:

Here we go again.

And while you no longer allow yourself the long, elaborate
daydreams in which everything works out perfectly,
You catch yourself thinking: Well, it could happen.

And though you have long since given up making bargains
with God,

You find yourself whispering: Please.

And since you have — years ago — quit telling
Anyone anything about anything
Because honestly,
The things people say, such as,

“Oh, it will happen for you, I just know it!”


“I have a friend who went through the same thing and then one
day, just like magic. . .”


“The minute you stop wanting it, that’s when it will happen.”

Oh. Okay.

So you haven’t told a soul.

Except, after long consideration, your very dearest best friend.

And you know the odds are against you.

And still

You know that life is not a numbers game and
The Lord does, indeed, move in some very mysterious ways and

Haven’t you earned —
And there you stop short.

Because life is also not about earning or deserving,

And it doesn’t matter how hard you’ve tried or how much you’ve
sacrificed or how positive your positive mental attitude has

What matters is reality.

And reality says: It’s possible.

So you dwell in possibility.

Between the dark and the daylight.

No longer storming off, slamming doors, and swearing, “Never

No longer crying out in agony because you had been so sure this
was It.

No longer elated by another promising sign.

You are here now.

Committed to enjoying the ride.

Trusting in the friendliness of the universe.

Awakened to your heart’s desire.

Knowing that there is no such thing as false hope.

All hope is real.

Real. Hope. Now.

It’s all we have.

And who knows?

Perhaps the best really is
Yet to come.

A Prayer for the Capable

A Prayer for the Capable

And as you stand there
On time and Appropriately clad for the event
With a high-fiber bar in your bag
And extra pens

Let us take this moment to applaud you.

You, the prepared.

You, the accomplished.

You, the bills-paid-on-time and the-taxes-done-in-March.

You, who always returns the shopping cart.

You, who never throws a tantrum.

While the moody, the irresponsible, the near-hysterical, and the
rude seem to get ALL the attention

Let us now praise you.

Just because everyone always expects you to do well.

Does not make it any less remarkable

That you always do so well.

So thank you.

For picking up the slack

For not imposing

For being so kind

And mannerly

And attending to all those pesky details.

Thank you for your consideration,

Your generosity,

For always remembering and never forgetting:

That a job well done is its own reward

That the opportunity to help someone else is a gift

That the complainers, the crybabies, the drama queens, the never-use-a-turn-signals, the forgetful, the self-involved, the choleric, the phlegmatic, and the your-rules-don’t-apply-tome-types

Need you to rebel against in order to look like rebels.

You provide the lines — for without the lines, well, what would they color outside of?

So take a minute To pat yourself on the back

And say, “Job well done.”

And as you consider someday

Showing up stoned

Or unprepared

Or not at all

And as you imagine someday being imperious

Or demanding

Or the one with the temper

Hear  the unspoken “thank-you” from a

Grateful nation that is a

Better, smarter, calmer, easier, friendlier, and more organized place

Thanks to you

And your dogged diligence.

You are beautiful.

You are precious to us.

You are the hand that calms the water, the wheel that never
squeaks, the one we all rely on

And while you probably would have remembered to send a thank you

We forgot.

And just because everyone always expects you

To do well

Does not make it any less remarkable

That you always do so well.

And I would tell you to take the afternoon for yourself
Or sleep in tomorrow

But I’m pretty sure you already have plans.

So just take this very moment right now
To appreciate you

And all that you have done and done well

Even by your own high standards.

And remember:

You are beautiful.

And just because everyone always expects you to
Do well

Does not make it any less amazing, delightful, or delicious that
You always do so well.

The What If…Workshop

The What If…Workshop

The What If…Workshop: where imagination meets practicality. It’s only $147 and it starts next week 11/18/13 — check it out here (link funky? try pasting this into your browser: https://sambennett.infusionsoft.com/app/orderForms/What-IfWorkshop )

And I’m so excited about this new class that I wrote you a poem…

What If…

This last year was the year
for sure
where you were
getting organized
getting the book done
getting the clutter cleared
starting yoga – again –
and really connecting with your
Inner Voice.
Really figuring out what you really want.
Really asking for it.
Really getting it.

But it seems like every time you tried to
make a move
someone needed you
there was a crisis
the dog got sick and
the roof broke open and
he lost his job and
those tests at the hospital what a
long night that was and
the money just wasn’t there – again –

And then
and then
and then
the voices in your head got started:

Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway?
Everyone’s Already Doing That.
You’re Not Qualified.
The Technology Is Too Hard.
You Never Finish Anything Anyway.

And so you stand there with the crumpled remains of a year in your hands.

Your hands that ache
to write
to play
to draw
to dance
to work
to share
to shape
to cut
to color
to create.

Your heart cries out.
Your hands cry out.
Please don’t let it be too late.


It’s not too late.
It’s never too late.
As long as you draw breath,
it cannot be too late.

Start now.
Write one sentence right now.
Keep one promise to yourself right now.
Do something just for you right now.
Be undistractible.

Because this is your year for sure.

©2013 Sam Bennett

The What If…Workshop

Where imagination meets practicality: dreaming, prioritizing and doing for creative wackadoodle geniuses like you and me.

4 sessions:
Monday, Nov. 18 – Monday, Dec. 9
5pm PT/8pm ET

– You do not have to be there in person.

– All sessions are recorded & available for download so you can listen again & again.

– Call in from wherever you are OR listen online.

– This ALL-NEW curriculum is perfect for you if:

You want to get clear about what you should do next & the “next steps” that will get you there.

You want to get out of your own way.

You are sick of perfectionism blocking your happiness & productivity.

You’re ready to quit doing things the same old way and try something new.

You’re in the mood to experiment.

You’ve been meaning to take a workshop with me, but it just hasn’t been the right time, right offer or right price up to now.

And of course, satisfaction is guaranteed or your tuition cheerfully refunded.

—> find out more about The What If…Workshop here

Did I mention that it’s only $147?

See, that’s because I know I’ve been offering a lot of higher-end stuff this year, and it was important to me to close out this year with a no-brainer offer that anyone, at any level, could participate in and get GREAT BENEFIT from.

Let me know what you think about it, hm? After all, YOU all are my “market research” : ) and your feedback really matters to me.

—> find out more about The What If…Workshop here (click now because it starts next week! EEEP!)

P.S. What’s YOUR “What If…”? I bet you could help a lot of people by sharing it in the comments below….

Unreasonable Gratitude: An Artist Talks To God

Unreasonable Gratitude: An Artist Talks To God

I’ve had a partly-finished work laying around for some time now, and, frankly, I’ve been too shy to share it with you because it’s kind of…spiritual.

And spiritual stuff always feels very private to me. (Really private. Like, I’d rather tell you about my sex life than talk to you about my prayer life.)

But since I spend all my time haranguing you about getting your work out into the world whether you think it’s ready or not, I figured I’d better take this opportunity to walk my talk.

I think it’s going to be a little book called, “Unreasonable Gratitude: An Artist Talks To God.”

And it’s sort-of poems and sort-of not-poems, and they are all written as letters to God from a creative person. Some reflect my own direct experience, some don’t.

Here are the first two:

Daily Grind

Dear God,

The daily grind has got My Spirit by the neck.

There are too many things to do and too many hands pulling on me.

Even the things I like to do feel like a chore, and in all this quotidian chaos,
there is no room for me to Make Art.

But I hear you whisper that I was not created in Your Image
to run errands.

And that a year from now, no one will remember the imperfect nutritional value of tonight’s dinner, but everyone will remember the piece I create.

So, just for today, I will claim some time – iron-clad, non-negotiable, uncompromising, turn-off-the-phone time – to do The Work that you designed me to do.

That is my promise to you, so that I might fulfill Your promise of me.


The Only Way Out Is Up

Dear God,

Am I crazy? I am broke.

And everyone says
Get A Job.

But that feels tragic.

The moment I think about going to an office every day, I shut down.

Fluorescent lights are soul-sucking.
Routine is death.

But what makes me think I am So Special that I think I don’t have to work like everyone else?

And what makes me think that my work is so worthless that I can’t get paid for doing what I love most?

I feel trapped.

Clearly, the only way out is up.

Please, God, give me some of
Your Perspective
on this.

Help me see the brilliant, blessed Solution that’s exactly perfect right now and
Grant me the courage to take
Divinely-inspired action
right now.

Get me past my own ego and past my fear of other people’s judgment so that I might see my own shining path.

Let’s bring a little Creative Genius to this situation and help me get on with the
Real Work of making the dream of my life
(your dream for my life)
come true.


Thank you for reading.

P.S. On a totally different subject, I’ve had a few people inquire about the Start Right Where You Are teleclass and because we’ve only had one session, it is absolutely NOT TOO LATE to join in the fun.

“This is exactly what I’ve been needing. Thank you for creating the format and environment.” – T.J., Washington

“Thank you for the breakthrough – it was a “wow” moment and I have a lot to think about.” – C.H., Iowa

You can use the promo code “Carol” and get the easy $97/month 6-pay plan — and of course your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded.

If you want to be more creative but aren’t sure how, then this is the course for you.

If you’re unsure, go ahead and book a time with me & we’ll do a quick, free 15-minute Evaluation Session: https://www.timetrade.com/book/WWDYQ

And please feel free to share this with a friend that you think could use some encouragement to break free from old, paralyzing habits & enjoy a more creative life.



Ode To The Drama Teacher

I am not exaggerating when I say that I owe my very life to the teachers, coaches and camp counselors (yes, I went to theatre camp – Camp Harand, anyone?) who taught me how to act and, in the process, taught me how to live.

This past October I was delighted to be asked to present two days worth of workshops for CETA (California Educational Theatre Association: http://www.cetoweb.org) at their annual retreat at Asilomar, CA.  We had a blast.  To honor them and the extraordinary work of teachers everywhere, I wrote this poem.

Poem – Ode To The Drama Teacher

And as you stand there: Aghast
Because we’re three days from Opening Night and
Ado Annie still doesn’t know her lines and
The Dream Ballet is a Nightmare and
The Light Board Op just got Detention…

Let us now praise You.

You, the Permanently Fatigued.
You, the Loyal-to-the-Point-of-Self-Neglect.
You, the Keeper of a Thousand-and-Eleventeen Secret Dreams.

You are the one who makes it all Look So Easy.
Who would have expected that the most important Skill you learned getting your BA
Was Juggling?

Juggling Paperwork and Personalities and oh, right – weren’t you supposed to have a
Private Life around here somewhere?

But even though you are Sick to Death of
Spoon River Anthology
You still puddle up every time you hear
There’s A Place For Us
No matter how Off-Key.

And while you still remember when you
Brought the House Down in
You now love This House.

You have created a House where any child – no matter how Flamboyant, no matter how Shy –
Can embrace their Inner Ethel Merman (and thanks to those English 101 classes you now must teach, you are keenly aware that using “their” in the previous sentence is increasingly considered correct and honestly, it’s really the only sensible answer as writing “his or her” is as damaging to poetry as the participle that dangles.)

And you have created a House where any child – no matter how Flamboyant, no matter how Shy – can dive straight to the Deepest, Darkest, Quietest corner of human suffering and bring a room of teenagers – and yes, you, too – to silent tears.

You have made a Home for the Misunderstood
A Family for the Misfit and a
Safe Spot to land no matter how bad The Mid-Terms are.

Because despite all the Budget Cuts and
The Paperwork and
The Meetings about the Meeting to Schedule the Meetings and
The Truancies and
The Parents
Dear God The Parents and
Did we mention The Paperwork?

Nothing on this Green Earth compares to watching a group of kids
Learn the true meaning of Ensemble.

And nothing compares to the pure joy of watching The Ones whom you knew would Eventually Get It
Finally. Really. Get It.

And nothing nothing nothing compares to The Confidences shared in low tones as they seek you out in
Your Office,
The Choir Room
The Front Seat of the Van on the way home from Fullerton.

You aren’t teaching Drama.
You are teaching Life
Which we all know is a Comedy – a Chekhovian Comedy – but a Comedy nonetheless.

And you aren’t teaching Choreography
You are teaching them to Dance.

And you aren’t teaching them how to be a Character.
You are teaching them how to be Themselves.

So here’s to you –

Making room for Art in a world that seems to have no room for Art.

(Because, by the way, that room has been repurposed as the new Standardized Test Prep Center – you don’t mind rehearsing outside, do you?)

And here’s to you –

Scrounging around for new shows that somehow match the sets you already have
Because some Genius on the School Board has
Recently Announced that not only can you not perform Huckleberry Finn
Or Anouilh’s Antigone (probably because he couldn’t pronounce it) and
Given the flap over theScene from M. Butterfly last year, I guess
March of the Falsettos and The Vagina Monologues are
Out of the Question for the Spring

So Oh Dear God it looks like it’s going to be
Arsenic And Old Lace one more blessed time.

But that’s OK

I love Arsenic And Old Lace.

So here’s to you –

Making room for Another Coffee Mug with
Those Damn Masks on them
Making room in the Chorus for
Just One More

Making room for Each and Every Child
To Be

© 2011 Samantha Bennett

If you would like to share or reprint this poem, I’d be honored.  Please include my full name and website address (https://therealsambennett.com) and here is a bio you might want to include –

About the author: Samantha Bennett is a working actor and writer based in Los Angeles, and she’s the creator of https://therealsambennett.com, an organization dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck from whatever way they’re stuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals.

Ode To The Drama Teacher

Ode To The Drama Teacher

Poem – Ode To The Drama Teacher

And as you stand there: Aghast
Because we’re three days from Opening Night and
Ado Annie still doesn’t know her lines and
The Dream Ballet is a Nightmare and
The Light Board Op just got Detention…

Let us now praise You.

You, the Permanently Fatigued.
You, the Loyal-to-the-Point-of-Self-Neglect.
You, the Keeper of a Thousand-and-Eleventeen Secret Dreams.

You are the one who makes it all Look So Easy.
Who would have expected that the most important Skill you learned getting your BA
Was Juggling?

Juggling Paperwork and Personalities and oh, right – weren’t you supposed to have a
Private Life around here somewhere?

But even though you are Sick to Death of
Spoon River Anthology
You still puddle up every time you hear
There’s A Place For Us
No matter how Off-Key.

And while you still remember when you Brought the House Down in
You now love This House.

You have created a House where any child – no matter how Flamboyant, no matter how Shy –
Can embrace their Inner Ethel Merman (and thanks to those English 101 classes you now must teach, you are keenly aware that using “their” in the previous sentence is increasingly considered correct and honestly, it’s really the only sensible answer as writing “his or her” is as damaging to poetry as the participle that dangles.)

And you have created a House where any child – no matter how Flamboyant, no matter how Shy – can dive straight to the Deepest, Darkest, Quietest corner of human suffering and bring a room of teenagers – and yes, you, too – to silent tears.

You have made a Home for the Misunderstood
A Family for the Misfit and a
Safe Spot to land no matter how bad The Mid-Terms are.

Because despite all the Budget Cuts and
The Paperwork and
The Meetings about the Meeting to Schedule the Meetings and
The Truancies and
The Parents
Dear God The Parents and
Did we mention The Paperwork?

Nothing on this Green Earth compares to watching a group of kids
Learn the true meaning of Ensemble.

And nothing compares to the pure joy of watching The Ones whom you knew would Eventually Get It
Finally. Really. Get It.

And nothing nothing nothing compares to The Confidences shared in low tones as they seek you out in Your Office,
The Choir Room
The Front Seat of the Van on the way home from Fullerton.

You aren’t teaching Drama.
You are teaching Life
Which we all know is a Comedy – a Chekhovian Comedy – but a Comedy nonetheless.

And you aren’t teaching Choreography
You are teaching them to Dance.

And you aren’t teaching them how to be a Character.
You are teaching them how to be Themselves.

So here’s to you –
Making room for Art in a world that seems to have no room for Art.

(Because, by the way, that room has been repurposed as the new Standardized Test Prep Center – you don’t mind rehearsing outside, do you?)

And here’s to you –
Scrounging around for new shows that somehow match the sets you already have
Because some Genius on the School Board has
Recently Announced that not only can you not perform Huckleberry Finn
Or Anouilh’s Antigone (probably because he couldn’t pronounce it) and
Given the flap over the
Scene from M. Butterfly last year, I guess
March of the Falsettos and The Vagina Monologues are
Out of the Question for the Spring
So Oh Dear God it looks like it’s going to be
Arsenic And Old Lace one more blessed time.

But that’s OK
I love Arsenic And Old Lace.

So here’s to you –
Making room for another Coffee Mug with those damn masks on them

Making room in the Chorus for Just One More

Making room for each and every child
To Be

© 2011 Samantha Bennett
Created especially for the CETA (California Educational Theatre Association) Conference, Asilomar, CA, October 21-23, 2011

Hey, why not BUY THE POSTER!
Makes a fabulous gift…
poster of Ode To The Drama Teacher

11×17 and laminated – perfect for the office, backstage, rehearsal room or classroom!














Interested in obtaining permission to reprint content from this site?

Email Us: Samantha_Bennett@TheOrganizedArtistCompany.com