“I’m so busy…I just don’t have the time.”
“Now is not the right time…maybe later.”
“I’m not ready yet.”
You know your projects are important to you…but you just can’t seem to find the time to work on them.
Or maybe you feel like there will be some time in the future….once the kids are in school, or once you lose 10 pounds, or maybe after the holidays….
Or you honestly believe that you are not yet ready to begin. You need another certification, or maybe a training, or you just need to feel more ready.
I hear this all the time.
And in all love, I gotta say: BALONEY.
You DO have the time. You’re just spending it on something else.
And I guarantee there is no time in the future when it will be more “convenient” or a “better” time to begin.
And you are ready.
Believe me, the fact that you have had the idea tells me that you’re ready. If you weren’t ready, you never would have thought of it.
Look, we all get the same 24 hours.
Nobody gets more and nobody gets less.
And I know you have real demands on your time…the job, the kids, the spouse, the parents, the community….but I bet you can find 15 minutes, right?
So do that.
Commit to that right now.
Put your hand on your heart and say this pledge:
“I promise that I will spend 15 minutes every single day, 365 days a year, on my project, starting right now.”
And then set your timer or the alarm on your phone and do it.
Even if you just stare at a blank piece of paper for 15 minutes – that’s great!
Or maybe you want to meditate or pray or breathe or stretch or dance or play with polymer clay or embroider a flower on a scrap of fabric or compose a few bars or write just ONE SENTENCE of your memoir….
Whatever the project is that you know would make a difference in your life, spend 15 minutes on it right now.
And then do that again tomorrow.
And the next day.
And then – and this one might be hard because somehow doing more than 3 in row of anything can be a little challenging – you’ll want to do it again. And maybe give your a little reward (like a nice walk around the block or a phone call with an old friend or a nice swim….) just for being so good and brave.
This little missive in one is a series of 7 that I’m doing to encourage you to Start Right Where You Are.
Start Right Where You Are is a lovely, live, 6-week teleclass that starts next Friday, Oct. 16th. It’s only $197 (payment plan available) and “satisfaction guaranteed or your tuition cheerfully refunded.”
Here’s where you can go to find out more about it: www.StartRightWhereYouAre.com.
And here’s where you can watch the straight-from-the-heart preview event:
Which got these responses:
“awesome very helpful answer – so joyfully actionable. I’m on it!” – K.
“totally laughing out loud” – C.
“Yep! I even snorted” – T
“love that reframing – actually brought tears for honoring and being authentic..” – K.
“very emotional…. thank you Sam” – S.
When was the last time a webinar made you laugh AND cry?!!?
Plus there’s a special offer that’s only good for the first 50 people who take advantage of it, so listen SOON, OK?
So just to recap, here are your opportunities:
1) Spend 15 minutes right now on a project that means something to you.
2) Watch the “Procrastination & Desire” video here:
3) Check out Start Right Where You Are at www.StartRightWhereYouAre.com and see if it feels like a good fit for you.
And please write me back and let me know how it goes for you, OK?
Remember: The World Needs Your Art.
We love the story of life as a road. (Success is a ladder. Time is ever marching forward.)
But we know it’s not true.
We are on shifting sands, sliding forward and backward and sideways and diagonally in our thinking, our feeling, our learning and our lives.
Time swirls about us endlessly; effortlessly sweeping us back to That Day in the Third Grade…That Picnic by the Lake…That Long and Horrible Night…no, certainly time is the most unreliable of all the unreliables.
If we think of our lives as being linear, we cheat ourselves out of the fullness of our experience.
Plus, it’s that foolish linear thinking that leads to self-immolating thoughts like, “I should be more successful by now” and “Look, that person is more successful than I am.”
We know these thoughts are lies, too, but if you only measure by the clock it is all too easy to slip those lies into your pocket and carry them around as part of your belief about yourself.
The more we learn about our art (our love), the less we know.
The longer we live on this earth, the more the years seem to pass in a day.
As our fortunes rise and fall, the more we recognize that money and status are no more accurate a marker of success than a new crop of tomatoes or a big hug from an eight-year old.
Today, challenge yourself to notice the ways in which your life is a gyre, moving in many looping directions all at once. And how that is good and meet.
The world needs your art.
Almost Perfect, Except For Just This One Thing… by samanthabennett222
Create a Customized T Shirt At Zazzle
See more Words To Live By T-Shirts “>Just A Little Divine Dissatisfaction
You’re never satisfied, are you?
Even when something is great, you are always thinking that it could be just a skotch better.
You are always revising.
Your whole life is brief, fleeting moments of satisfaction that only serve to punctuate the endless wash of “if only.”
The grass is not only greener on the other side, it is richer, thinner and better-looking as well.
You just can’t leave well enough alone, can you?
Guess what: nobody can.
Human beings are especially designed to be dissatisfied. We are in a near constant state of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction is what we do best. Our brains are constructed to be always ticking along, thinking, “How could this be better?”
And, perhaps more importantly, “How can I be better?”
We are always seeing something that isn’t there and wishing that it was. And artists are more dissatisfied than anyone else.
Artists are better than anyone at seeing a new solution, a new means of expression, a new version of perfection. Artists specialize in seeing what’s not there. Out of nothing, artists create something.
This nothing-into-something business is what people talk about when they talk about miracles, and artists do that sort of miracle more often than most. Of course, mothers and fathers do it, too – that’s why we call it the “miracle” of birth.
Talk about nothing into something: first there was nothing and now there’s a whole new person in the world! And good cooks do it, naturally. And gardeners. And children do it constantly.
So this chronic dissatisfaction you are feeling is not a bad thing. It is Divine Dissatisfaction. It is the restless spirit of creativity calling you to action. You are being called to create. You are being called to reveal the miracle within you.
So, next time you feel like you are an empty well under a clear blue sky, remember: There’s Nothing Wrong With A Little Divine Dissatisfaction.
What are you divinely dissatisfied with today? And what do you think you might do about that?
By the way, you may buy the shirt above by clicking here.
It’s really hard to ask for what you want in sexuality and relationships if you don’t know what to ask for, or how to start the conversation.
In our sex-negative culture, what would it mean to express your authentic sexual voice?
Many people don’t know how to talk about sexuality because they have no idea what they want.
Many don’t know how to have a conversation with others because they are so confused in their conversation with themselves, stuck in self-judgment, confusion, frustration or thinking something is wrong.
My friend and colleague Amy Jo Goddard does amazing work as a sexual empowerment expert and teacher and she is hosting this webinar on 2/24 on “Finding the Sexual Voice”.
We all have a sexual voice. Some of us need to find it, some of us need to express it, some of us need to shift it so we can get more of what we want and less of what we don’t.
In this 90-min webinar, you will learn:
- the difference between the internal and external sexual voice…
- the top sexual stories that get people stuck…
- what gets in the way of finding your true voice and inner “Yes”…
- steps you can take to tap into that inner Yes…
- how to bring your inner Yes into the outer world so you can get more of what you want in sex and relationships…
I support her message and I hope you will sign up and share.
TWITTER – include link to https://cc100.isrefer.com/go/voice/sbennett
.@AmyJoGoddard is teaching a webinar on 2/24: “Finding the #SexualVoice.”
How can you tap into the power of your unique #SexualVoice? A conversation with @AmyJoGoddard
It’s hard to talk about sexuality when you don’t know what you want. @AmyJoGoddard’s webinar on 2/24:
My friend & colleague @AmyJoGoddard is teaching this webinar on 2/24: Finding the #SexualVoice
.@amyjogoddard is on a mission to banish sexual voicelessness — please join!
It is not possible to lose 30 pounds.
It is not possible to write a book.
It is not possible to clear out all the clutter.
You know why?
Because it is only possible to lose a few ounces a day.
And it is only possible to write a sentence or two — maybe a few pages.
It is only possible to clear a bit of the room at a time.
This may seem like just word play, but stick with me here — because I think this is important for two reasons.
1) The Goal Cannot Be Achieved All At Once
Especially if you have a BIG goal, you may have put off working on it because…well, it just seems too big.
It’s so big that you don’t know where to even start.
It’s so big that you doubt you can complete it.
It’s so big that you question your worthiness, your credibility, your right to even attempt such a thing. (The phrase, “Who do I think I am?” may show up here.)
But when you remember that it is not the BIG goal that needs to be accomplished, but rather just the immediate step that’s right in front of you….
Well, that feels much better, doesn’t it?
(Need a suggestion for what one immediate step might be? Try picking one action that will take less than 15 minutes and is easily within your budget.)
And here’s some even better news:
2) The Goal Is Not a Destination
You may have noticed that sometimes you DO complete a big project, and you end up feeling sort of….deflated.
That post-Christmas let-down feeling.
Because you thought you were done.
You thought that once you achieved your goal you would be complete – and that something would change.
But once you lose 30 pounds, you still have to maintain all the discipline and self-love that got you there.
And once you complete your manuscript, it’s not as though you are done writing.
And even if every bit of clutter gets swept away from your place, it’s only a matter of time until more clutter creeps in.
This is not failure.
This is process.
So you might find it comforting that you are mid-process on just about everything.
That means it’s not too late to take the next step.
It’s not too late to begin again.
It’s not too late to delight the world with your art.
As a special treat, we’ve made you this super-fun 2-minute movie that’s all about how to slay the dragon of your procrastination : )
Please share it with your family, friends, kids, colleagues, and social media buddies.
There’s nothing to sign up for or register — it’s just a gift designed to stimulate your creativity and have a little fun.
With wishes for a joyful, creative Thanksgiving to all our US friends and a big kiss for everyone else —