Sam’s Get Started Plan

Sam’s Get Started Plan

Hi and welcome to the Get Started Plan

This is a no-nonsense move-it-forward tool for busy people and leaders.

And I’m giving it to you because you have a vision in your head of things being…better.

But you’re so busy putting out fires that you are having trouble even figuring out where to begin.

So here’s a little secret: this Get Started Plan, as humble as it seems, is the very same plan I used to get started on what would become my first published book… and my second… and how I wrote the script to a successful musical that has now been picked up by a production company. 

It takes just 15 minutes a day. Really.

Skeptical? Of course.

But I’m here to tell you that I started building this successful, multi-six-figure business that has enabled me to transform my own life as well as the lives of hundreds of others of creatively minded people, just like you, using exactly these thought-provoking questions and 15-minute work sessions. 

Your idea, that thing that you’ve been thinking about doing and wondering how it might change your life IF you could just made it real, may be different from the ideas that have propelled my life forward in miraculous and unexpected ways. But it doesn’t matter so much what your idea is … if matters to you, it’s important.

And that means it matters to me too. 

Click the image or the button to download and print.

I’ll be checking in on you to see how it’s going. I think you’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover and accomplish in just 15 minutes a day.

And I’d love to hear how it goes for you. Simply hit reply on any email and let me know.



And, since we're talking getting started...

How about we have a conversation about getting it done?

You know that project sitting in a drawer for months that you keep promising you’ll finish.

Or the idea you’ve been secretly mulling over, the one that could really make a difference, that you just never seem to find the time to take action on.

Yea. That project. That idea.

I know and you know it’s the things that matter that never seem to get done.

And so you stay stuck.

Let’s change that. You can get it done. I will show you how.

*Special discounted pricing and cool bonuses are yours when you buy now!*

Give The Gift of Books That Change Lives

Give the gift of books that change lives.

My wonderful publisher, New World Library, is offering a special 50% holiday discount (plus free shipping on orders of $20 or more) on every book they publish, including mine! 

Simply enter the code “FRIENDS” at checkout on by 12/20. 


P.S. This special offer from New World Library includes books by heroes like Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain, Dan Millman, SARK, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Amy Ahlers, Christine Arylo, Christine Hassler and many, many more. So share this link with a book-loving friend, won’t you? 

Would you like to have immediate and lifetime access to ALL of my best programs?

Would you like to have immediate and lifetime access to ALL of my best programs?

Would you like to have immediate and lifetime access to ALL of my best programs?

You get:

Write Great Emails
(value $997)
“Sam really GETS IT. If you want to talk to an [email marketing expert] who understands simplicity – she’s it. Brilliant.” – Bret

Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops
(value $497)
“I got my money’s worth in the first two sessions. – changed Every.Thing.” – Tim

Get It Done Workshop
(value $365)
“After I worked with Sam, I finally finished a book manuscript.” – Ellen

Start Right Where You Are Workshop
(value $197)
“Sam beautifully supports the creative spirit. There are times she speaks a truth that you are not even aware exists inside you.”- Robin

365 Club Archive Library
(value $720)
“SO fascinating…life-changing advice…” – Chris

How to Make $1,000 Any Time You Want Webinar
(value $497)
“Sam’s magic formula for “making $1,000 whenever you want” works!!! I listened to the recording of her webinar at least three times (I’m not kidding!) and within two weeks I generated over $5,000!!!!!” – Patti

Wondering how to get all this good stuff?

Just become one of the FOUNDING MEMBERS of 365 Club PRO: 10k in 15 Minutes a Day.

——> ALREADY INTERESTED? Fill out this quick application now and then we’ll have a brief chat and decide together if it’s right for you, OK?


365 Club Pro: 10k in 15 Minutes a Day is an elegant, high-touch program for creatives who want to grow their business, their income, their impact and their JOY.

The idea is this: you commit to spending 15 minutes a day on your project. I give you as much real-world guidance as necessary. We meet as a group once a week for teaching, Q&A and accountability. All calls are recorded and available for download.

365 Club Pro Membership features

– [daily] short inspirational email

– [weekly] live group call

– [monthly] list of suggested 15 min activities

– [private] FB group for community and accountability

– [unlimited] on-demand access to our hand-picked library of courses

Interested? APPLY HERE and then let’s talk about whether or not it’s a good fit for you.

It’s a year-long program designed to support you in every stage of your entrepreneurial journey.

Whether you are a total newbie or already making good money, 365 Club Pro gives you the insights you need to make CONSISTENT graceful leaps forward.

And it comes with a One Year Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Tuition Cheerfully Refunded. If at any point in the first year you feel that the program is not living up to its promise, then you and I will have a short conversation (so I can get your input and advice) and I’ll refund all of your tuition. No worries.

So now the question is…

What is YOUR 10k Goal?

Do you want to make an additional $10k a year?
Or maybe make another $10k/ month? Or per week? (Why not!?!?)
Maybe $10k per speaking gig is more your style?
Or perhaps you want to add 10k people to your mailing list?
Or put 10k poems out into the world?
Do you want to write 10k measures of music?
Whatever your 10k goal is, the 365 Club Pro Membership will help you get there.

With never-before offered trainings on:

– Personal Branding
– Writing & Publishing Your Book
– Product Development & Sales
– Speaking Gigs

this program provides both STRUCTURE and FREEDOM.

We start June 1.

—–> Complete this very short application NOW and then, if you want, we’ll have a brief, no-obligation talk about it, OK?

Go here to see more about the program:

REMEMBER: The world needs your work. Now more than ever.

And YOU need to have a source of income that you are 100% in control of – one that is independent of any economic swings. Your business is calling you forward now.



P.S. Are you wondering how much it is? I’m not trying to be cagey about it…but I do want you to DREAM for a minute before you dismiss the idea out of hand.

Because let’s face it – if it it’s not the right program for you, then it doesn’t matter how expensive it is or isn’t. And if it IS the right program, well, then it will always be 100% worth it, right?

So….I’m curious –

– What would it be worth to you to be supported in taking daily steps toward your dream?

– What might you be able to accomplish if you were talking with me every week?

– How much of a difference would it make if you had a community of like-minded geniuses to cheer you on and hold you accountable?

– What is the value of your “10k” project?

OK – now you can click HERE to fill out this super-quick application, and then we’ll have a brief chat, and if we both feel it’s right, I’ll be happy to welcome you in to this new, transformational program. – S.

7 of 7: Your Top 7

Imagine yourself having just finished leading a successful workshop…

There were wonderful, engaged participants who are eager to recommend you to others…and who want to work with you again…

You gained a deeper, more delicious understanding of your own work…

And you made a nice profit.

Sounds great, right?

And you know that Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops (which starts TOMORROW) will give you all the tools, insights and straight-from-the-trenches information to succeed, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pro.

So what’s holding you back?

(I tried to write this in such a way as to be useful to you whether you’re consider my class or not. Let me know what you think. Is it fun? Meaningful? Annoying? Too woo? Helpful?)

1) You feel like now’s not a good time. You wish this were happening in a few months.

Practical Answer: Yes. Opportunity is often inconvenient. But if you get into it and decide it’s really not working, just let me know within 30 days and I’ll cheerfully refund your tuition. No worries.

Spiritual Growth Answer: This opportunity has presented itself to you now because now is the right moment for you. You don’t have to feel ready. You don’t have to feel confident. You don’t even have to know where all this is going. I have faith in you. The Divine Spirit has faith in you. Your future students have faith in you. The moment to step out in faith is now.

Try This Perspective: I answer the call, knowing that everything is unfolding in perfect time.


2) You don’t feel like you’re really an “expert.”

Practical Answer: Actually, I bet you kind of are. I’ve been leading workshops of all sizes & shapes for over 30 years, and in my experience, most of what makes a great teacher great is life experience, empathy and a unique perspective on the material.

Spiritual Growth Answer: You don’t need to a special certification to be able to help people. And you never have to pretend you know more than you do. You know what you know. That’s sufficient: you know what you know.

Try This Perspective: I know what I know, and I’m learning more every day.

3) You kind of hate the idea of promoting yourself.

Practical Answer: Oh, honey, we all do – especially at the beginning. But it gets a lot easier and more joyful with the support and simple guidelines provided in the class.

Spiritual Growth Answer: You may feel like it’s not really safe for you to be VISIBLE. Or that you already take up too much space. Or that you mustn’t impose on people. But you are ready to move past the point where you let old stories and fear make the decisions for you. Self-promotion may be uncomfortable at first, but if you really want to help people, it’s well worth it.

Try This Perspective: I am ready to stand tall in my truth and share my voice with the people who need to hear it.

4) You really don’t know how much to charge.

Practical Answer: It’s tricky, right? Charge too much and you might turn people off, charge too little and it’s not worth your time. I’ll give you some great suggestions and formulas for figuring out the perfect price point.

Spiritual Growth Answer: Remember that buying and selling is a sacred exchange of energy. Just like other sacred exchanges of energy (a hug, for example, or sex) it requires strong intention, mutual respect and an honoring of the other. As a teacher, you have an opportunity to re-shape your relationship with money. Nothing overcomes an old story like a new experience.

Try This Perspective: Creativity is abundant, clients are abundant, money is abundant. I rejoice in the easy flow of money, energy and time.

5) You’re not sure exactly what you’d teach…or if anyone would be interested in it.

Practical Answer: We cover that in the class, so you’ll have total clarity and focus.

Spiritual Growth Answer: Staying in the “I don’t know” or “I’m still figuring it out” stage for too long is a form of hiding out. It also shows traces of insidious perfectionism.

Try This Perspective: I open up to new information and to my intuition, knowing I am on the right path.

6) I don’t know if I should teach online or in person.

Practical Answer: Both are good. You might want to teach in person if you live in a big city, like being up in front of a group, and if you’re teaching something where you need hands-on access to their physical bodies. You might want to consider teaching online if you want to reach a global community, if you like the “green” aspect of no one having to drive anywhere, and you are OK learning some tech stuff. And certainly you can do both. (I do.) Either way, you’ll get total clarity on this during the class.

Spiritual Answer: Allowing yourself to stay in a state of indecision is keeping your foot on the neck of your talent.

Try This Perspective: It’s safe for me to decide. I can always choose again.

7) I don’t have the money.

Practical Answer: You can get started for just $187. That’s six bucks a day. If you can learn enough to get 10 people to pay you $49 for a one-day workshop, you’ve earned back your investment. And you can do that over and over again.

Spiritual Answer: You always have the money you need to do the things that are truly important to you. And in my experience, the minute you take action, the resources appear. (You’ve had that, too, right? You decide to do something that you really want and then almost immediately, the exact amount you need shows up. Happens all the time.)

Try This Perspective: I take inspired action and welcome in the miracles.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope that you feel clean, clear and fabulous about it.


6 of 7: True Magical Powers = Free Monthly Expert Call

6 of 7: True Magical Powers = Free Monthly Expert Call

Magic: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

What if you could fill your workshops MAGICALLY?

What if you could speak a few words, and have exactly the right people show up?

What if you could wave a wand and have powerful helpers appear out of thin air?

Doesn’t that sound nicer than the “slog and struggle” method?

Well, there ARE some magical secrets to filling a room, getting support and making great money, and my bestie-best friend, Carol Allen, has managed to do all of the above with ease and grace, and she’s agreed to tell you her never-before shared secrets.

—-> CLICK HERE to join in our free Expert Call and get the recording, too

Free Monthly Expert Call
The Magical Power of The Tribe
with me and “The Godmother of the Love Mafia” herself, Carol Allen
Tuesday, March 14
12noon PT/3pm ET/7pm GMT/6am+1 day AEDT

In her real life, Carol is one of the world’s foremost Vedic Astrologer and has one of the most successful love/relationship coaching brands in the internet marketing space. Her emails are read avidly by her tens of thousands of eager readers who love her quippy, fun, girlfriend-to-girlfriend style and wise advice.

But in THIS EXPERT CALL, Carol will be revealing to us the secrets of how she became the Godmother of the Love Mafia.

She’s tell us:

– how she’s managed to become best friends with her “competitors”
– how she creates a loyal, loving community of experts who adore helping one another
– how she entices people to drive 90 minutes or more (in LA traffic!) just to be at one of her parties

ALL without being pushy, weird or bossy.

Everyone loves these Monthly Expert Calls because it’s just me and the friends I adore sharing the REAL STORY behind our strategies, successes and gawd-awful failures.

—-> Don’t miss this deep-content insight call with information you’ll not get anywhere else. F’reals.

REMEMBER: The World Needs Your Magic.


5 of 7: the Unasked Question

There’s one question that almost no one asked.

You could probably predict most of the questions I get asked about creating great workshops:

– How to even get started? (Especially when I’m already so busy!)
– How to figure out how much info is enough? Or if it’s too much?
– How to attract the ideal participants, who will actually show up & pay up?
– How much to charge?
– How to decide which platforms are best for marketing and delivery?

And if you enroll in Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops, you will ABSOLUTELY get the answers to those questions and a ton more that you haven’t even thought of yet (like…what do you do if someone wants a refund? What do you do when the tech goes on the fritz? How do you collect testimonials? Is it better to teach in person or online? etc.)

But there is one question that only one brave soul wrote in:

“What if no one shows up?”

And I think it is that question that keeps smart, creative people like you from sharing your wisdom.

It’s a plaintive question.

As a child, I actually had one of those birthday parties where no one came. My babysitter and I just sat at the kitchen table with a cake I had made myself, decorated with a sunburst. (It was the ’70s – everything was decorated with a sunburst.) Finally I took myself up to my room and re-read Little House on the Prairie for the thousandth time.

No one wants to visit those feelings of rejection, sorrow and dashed hopes.

But when I started offering workshops, I had to face those feelings square on.

And so will you.

What a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth!

You will find that the question, “What if no one shows up?” leads directly to some other interesting questions like:

What if everyone shows up?
What if you don’t show up?
What if you do show up?

What if you show up 100% more than you ever have before?

(Oh, look! It’s another wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth!)

And I bet that if you show up, the right amount of perfect other people will, too.

Finally, just to be super-practical about it, even IF no one shows up (and it totally happens – I myself once offered a workshop that got zero enrollment and man, was that a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth : ) you will still benefit.

Because once you start creating a great workshop, you have AUTOMATICALLY created the framework for:

  • your book
  • your signature talk
  • a high-level coaching program
  • a “train-the-trainers” certification or licensing program
  • a compelling lead magnet
  • media opportunities
  • a tribe

And it might ALSO cause you to get your sh*t together around:

  • organizing your contacts
  • getting new business cards
  • updating your website
  • figuring out how Facebook ads work
  • putting you back in touch with people (it’s amazing who turns up when you start promoting a workshop – I’ve got several former clients and students enrolled in Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops and I’m so excited to see what they’re up to)

There’s nothing like a nice, big, scary project like creating a workshop to get you to face your demons, stare down your fears and bust right through your procrastination.

Plus you get to share your wisdom, have some fun and make some good money.

Pretty good deal.

So….let me ask again: what if YOU show up?

Enroll in Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops today and find out.