Would you like to have immediate and lifetime access to ALL of my best programs?

You get:

Write Great Emails
(value $997)
“Sam really GETS IT. If you want to talk to an [email marketing expert] who understands simplicity – she’s it. Brilliant.” – Bret

Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops
(value $497)
“I got my money’s worth in the first two sessions. – changed Every.Thing.” – Tim

Get It Done Workshop
(value $365)
“After I worked with Sam, I finally finished a book manuscript.” – Ellen

Start Right Where You Are Workshop
(value $197)
“Sam beautifully supports the creative spirit. There are times she speaks a truth that you are not even aware exists inside you.”- Robin

365 Club Archive Library
(value $720)
“SO fascinating…life-changing advice…” – Chris

How to Make $1,000 Any Time You Want Webinar
(value $497)
“Sam’s magic formula for “making $1,000 whenever you want” works!!! I listened to the recording of her webinar at least three times (I’m not kidding!) and within two weeks I generated over $5,000!!!!!” – Patti

Wondering how to get all this good stuff?

Just become one of the FOUNDING MEMBERS of 365 Club PRO: 10k in 15 Minutes a Day.

——> ALREADY INTERESTED? Fill out this quick application now and then we’ll have a brief chat and decide together if it’s right for you, OK?


365 Club Pro: 10k in 15 Minutes a Day is an elegant, high-touch program for creatives who want to grow their business, their income, their impact and their JOY.

The idea is this: you commit to spending 15 minutes a day on your project. I give you as much real-world guidance as necessary. We meet as a group once a week for teaching, Q&A and accountability. All calls are recorded and available for download.

365 Club Pro Membership features

– [daily] short inspirational email

– [weekly] live group call

– [monthly] list of suggested 15 min activities

– [private] FB group for community and accountability

– [unlimited] on-demand access to our hand-picked library of courses

Interested? APPLY HERE and then let’s talk about whether or not it’s a good fit for you.

It’s a year-long program designed to support you in every stage of your entrepreneurial journey.

Whether you are a total newbie or already making good money, 365 Club Pro gives you the insights you need to make CONSISTENT graceful leaps forward.

And it comes with a One Year Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Tuition Cheerfully Refunded. If at any point in the first year you feel that the program is not living up to its promise, then you and I will have a short conversation (so I can get your input and advice) and I’ll refund all of your tuition. No worries.

So now the question is…

What is YOUR 10k Goal?

Do you want to make an additional $10k a year?
Or maybe make another $10k/ month? Or per week? (Why not!?!?)
Maybe $10k per speaking gig is more your style?
Or perhaps you want to add 10k people to your mailing list?
Or put 10k poems out into the world?
Do you want to write 10k measures of music?
Whatever your 10k goal is, the 365 Club Pro Membership will help you get there.

With never-before offered trainings on:

– Personal Branding
– Writing & Publishing Your Book
– Product Development & Sales
– Speaking Gigs

this program provides both STRUCTURE and FREEDOM.

We start June 1.

—–> Complete this very short application NOW and then, if you want, we’ll have a brief, no-obligation talk about it, OK?

Go here to see more about the program: www.TheOrganizedArtistCompany.com/365pro

REMEMBER: The world needs your work. Now more than ever.

And YOU need to have a source of income that you are 100% in control of – one that is independent of any economic swings. Your business is calling you forward now.



P.S. Are you wondering how much it is? I’m not trying to be cagey about it…but I do want you to DREAM for a minute before you dismiss the idea out of hand.

Because let’s face it – if it it’s not the right program for you, then it doesn’t matter how expensive it is or isn’t. And if it IS the right program, well, then it will always be 100% worth it, right?

So….I’m curious –

– What would it be worth to you to be supported in taking daily steps toward your dream?

– What might you be able to accomplish if you were talking with me every week?

– How much of a difference would it make if you had a community of like-minded geniuses to cheer you on and hold you accountable?

– What is the value of your “10k” project?

OK – now you can click HERE to fill out this super-quick application, and then we’ll have a brief chat, and if we both feel it’s right, I’ll be happy to welcome you in to this new, transformational program. – S.

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