3 of 7: “How to Check if People are Applying What They’ve Learned?”

“The question I have about creating a great workshop is…”

What is the best way to check if people have been able to grasp and apply what you’ve taught?

Great question.

I think some kind of pre- and then post- enrollment quiz or assessment might do the trick.

But there’s another part of the equation: you need to release the idea that you are responsible for what people DO with the material you teach.

Unless it’s something like CPR, where there are actual life-and-death implications to them learning or not learning, or there’s some kind of meaningful certification involved, it is none of your business whether they ever implement what you teach.

This was VERY hard for me to learn.

I always felt like I wanted to make sure that every single person got every last drop of what I had to give.

But that was just my ego talking, you know?

Sometimes it’s an important step on a person’s journey to buy a book and not read it.

And sometimes it’s important for them to enroll in a class and not use it.

And that’s OK.

Here’s what I reckon: you are responsible for setting up the learning environment, for creating a safe container, for giving them the very best and most accurate information, tools and resources to help them, and for providing your best guidance & encouragement along the way.

But you can’t make them pay attention.

And you can’t make them apply themselves.

You can’t make anyone do anything.

(Have you noticed that?)

But you can light the lamp.

And you can share your story.

And you never know….you just might change someone’s life.

P.S. By the way – if you enroll in Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops and then discover you’re the person who’s not using it, just let us know within 30 days and we’ll cheerfully refund your tuition. No questions asked. And you get to keep the bonuses as our gift.)

2 of 7: “How to Create an Online Workshop That’s Suitable for Many?”

2 of 7: “How to Create an Online Workshop That’s Suitable for Many?”

Here’s another answer to one of the questions that you all submitted in answer to “The question I have about creating a great workshop is…”

“I wonder how to create an online workshop that’s suitable for many.”

Great question.

And in some ways, it’s actually the wrong question.

Because you need to create a workshop that appeals very strongly to a select, specific group of people.

That’s the only way it will sell.
Consider these:

  • “Writing Workshop: Become a Better Writer So You Can Get Ahead In Business”
  • “Writing Workshop: How to Write Your Second Novel (When The First One Didn’t Sell That Well)”
  • “Writing Workshop: For Teenage Girls Who Want to Write a Killer College Application Essay”

See? Three very different workshops for three very different markets.

If I just said, “Writing Workshop,” no one would sign up, because I haven’t been clear enough about the transformation I promise.

If it feels good, please check out http://www.turnyourwisdomintoworkshops.com/ and join us for this amazing journey.

P.S. Did you miss “24 Not-Obvious Workshop Mistakes to Avoid (That I Learned the Hard Way)”?

1 of 7: “How Do I Get People to Show Up?”

1 of 7: “How Do I Get People to Show Up?”

I’ve spent all day emailing out answers the questions that you all submitted in answer to “The question I have about creating a great workshop is…”

And by far the most popular question was: How do I get people to show up? How do I market it?

It’s a great question.

Perhaps THE question.

And…I can’t really answer you.

Because there are different answers depending on your content, target market and personal goals.

It’s some combination of being crystal clear about your ideal client and the transformation they are seeking, and making sure that your title, pricing, images, and marketing materials are consistent with that. But it’s also got to match your personal vibe, and of course the timing and delivery need to be just right.

And, if I can say this without sounding too self-serving: get some support.

Frankly, putting together a workshop that is both meaningful and profitable is both complex and complicated.

Complex, in that it has many moving parts, but most of them can be broken down into steps and accomplished with a bit of good information from a reliable source and old-fashioned elbow grease. That’s the “practical” part that’s fairly easy for me to teach. (And I’m doing 3 “Sam Explains the Technology” bonus calls to walk you through the nitty-gritty stuff about platforms.)

Complicated, in that it involves humans, and all of our wackadoodle human behavior. So we need to harness your imagination, your insights, your intuition and your plain good sense to create something that’s never been done before. That’s the “creative” part that requires a bit of a leap of faith on your part, but is also the most fun.

So it’s a lot of moving parts, and it’s a bit scary and mostly exhilarating and it’s exactly the reason I created the Turn Your Wisdom Into Workshops course that starts next week, and I’d love to work with you.

If it feels good, please check out http://www.turnyourwisdomintoworkshops.com/ and join us for this amazing journey.

P.S. Did you miss “24 Not-Obvious Workshop Mistakes to Avoid (That I Learned the Hard Way)”?
—–> Click here now to view the replay

What’s Better Then Best?

What’s Better Then Best?

You know how it is when you work on something for a long time and then it ends up being so much better than you ever could have imagined?

Well, that’s what happened at The Big Big Yes.

The insights and A-HAs and the laughter and the friendship and the food and the tears of joy and recognition…were off the charts.

We had an extraordinary time.

Here are some of the comments (I pulled them off of the 365 Club Facebook page, so they are deliberately without attribution – thanks for understanding)

“It was Ah—–MAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“What an AMAZING weekend! It has impacted my life in ways I can’t even speak of…”

“Thank you so much for The Big Big Yes! Samantha Bennett, Leonore Tjia, all of my fellow attendees, and the rest of the team were terrific. Through the whole process, my disparate pieces came together at last to form a coherent vision on which I can form a plan and move forward…”

“Gratitude for being here at The Big Big Yes. Surrounded by so many brave and talented people! Finding my own courage to go with ideas that came out of the blue. Excited for a future that I am willing to let unfold…”

Now Accepting Applications for The Creative Genius CEO Program

To keep this great work going, I am starting a new 10-month session of the Creative Genius, CEO Program.

This is a small-group, intensive program with weekly calls and two live retreats designed especially for the creative entrepreneur.

There’s no sales page or website about it — I’ve always just filled this program easily and quietly.

And it’s not for everyone.

I’ll be doing a preview webinar about it next week so you can find out more —

But if you already know that you’re interested you can go ahead and fill out the quick application HERE: https://sambennett.infusionsoft.com/app/form/cgceo2015

Then you’ll get invited to schedule a zero-obligation 15-minute conversation with us to see if it’s a good fit.

(And truly – it’s JUST a conversation. Nothing sales-y. This is a small program and it’s already half-filled – there’s no room for anyone who’s not a perfect fit, you know?)

Remember: The World Needs Your Art.


I’m Thunderstruck By This…(aka What Seth Godin Said)

I’m Thunderstruck By This…(aka What Seth Godin Said)

image of Seth Godin

My hero, Seth Godin

In fact, I’m so blown sideways by this that I’m just going to give you the link and let you read it for yourself:


Now please — let’s return Seth’s kindness by liking, sharing, tweeting, plus+ ing, pinning, instagramming, linkedin-ing, forwarding and otherwise shouting this from the rooftops!
(HugDug is Seth’s great new site with a lovely charitable bent and it’s worth getting involved with even if he hadn’t given me a rave review.)
I’m so grateful for Seth’s support and for your help — after all, I can’t very well become an international-bestselling-publishing-sensation-move-over-50-shades all by myself, now can I?

Excuse me, I have to go swoon now.