It is not possible to lose 30 pounds.
It is not possible to write a book.
It is not possible to clear out all the clutter.

You know why?

Because it is only possible to lose a few ounces a day.

And it is only possible to write a sentence or two — maybe a few pages.

It is only possible to clear a bit of the room at a time.

This may seem like just word play, but stick with me here — because I think this is important for two reasons.

1) The Goal Cannot Be Achieved All At Once

Especially if you have a BIG goal, you may have put off working on it because…well, it just seems too big.

It’s so big that you don’t know where to even start.

It’s so big that you doubt you can complete it.

It’s so big that you question your worthiness, your credibility, your right to even attempt such a thing. (The phrase, “Who do I think I am?” may show up here.)

But when you remember that it is not the BIG goal that needs to be accomplished, but rather just the immediate step that’s right in front of you….

Well, that feels much better, doesn’t it?

(Need a suggestion for what one immediate step might be? Try picking one action that will take less than 15 minutes and is easily within your budget.)

And here’s some even better news:

2) The Goal Is Not a Destination

You may have noticed that sometimes you DO complete a big project, and you end up feeling sort of….deflated.


That post-Christmas let-down feeling.

Because you thought you were done.

You thought that once you achieved your goal you would be complete – and that something would change.

But once you lose 30 pounds, you still have to maintain all the discipline and self-love that got you there.

And once you complete your manuscript, it’s not as though you are done writing.

And even if every bit of clutter gets swept away from your place, it’s only a matter of time until more clutter creeps in.

This is not failure.
This is process.

So you might find it comforting that you are mid-process on just about everything.

That means it’s not too late to take the next step.

It’s not too late to begin again.

It’s not too late to delight the world with your art.

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