We all have projects that we know would make an enormous difference in our lives.
Good projects.
Important projects.
World-changing projects.
And they’re just sitting there, staring at us.
The good news is that you’re still thinking about it, which means you have DESIRE.
So just for a minute, quit beating yourself up about how or what you should have done by now. (Can you? Just for a minute?) Now, let’s tap in to the energy that’s inside that desire.
Take a deep breath and really feel the sweet yearning for your Great Idea rising up from your belly. Allow the JOY of your Great Idea to fill your heart and spirit. Focusing only on the yummy-ness of it, let your Great Idea be reborn in your mind, fresh and new, without any judgment or recrimination.
Stay in that joyful feeling for just another moment, and see if a little, tiny action-item occurs to you. Is there a little idea that just floats into your head? A little beginning? If not, that’s OK – now might not be the right time – so just relish that Great Idea of yours and move on with your day.
But you might let the divine energy that is contained within your desire inspire you to take one, eensy-tiny only-15 minutes action around your Great Idea.
And let me know how it goes, OK?
First of all, I freaked. OMG, I don’t have a Great Idea. I thought I had a Great Idea. Where is that notepad?? I’m sure I’ve been writing down all my Great Ideas somewhere. Oh, yeah, that. The won’t-leave-me-alone-even-though-I keep-ignoring-it Great Idea. Writing a book. Ho hum… that’s been on the back burner for, oh, 34 years. Some Great Idea.
But I humored you. I imagined two of my favorite authors, Martha Beck and Tama Kieves, raving over it. Jack Canfield’s endorsement saying it was the new “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. I loved envisioning myself financially secure enough to sit for hours on end pouring out my soul, thrilled with the process that illuminated me as I illuminated this strange world we live in from my unique perspective. I especially enjoyed seeing the book itself, it’s colorful cover beaming out through huge window displays at Barnes and Noble, with a big banner above announcing “FINALLY AVAILABLE! THE BOOK YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!” Ok, so I exaggerate. I didn’t see the B&N window actually, but I could see myself at book readings and signings, loving the travel and interaction and FUN.
You are an amazing, hysterical, heart-opening and appreciated woman Sam! Thank you for your gifts. Keep ’em comin’!! It’s working.
Julia – I’m laughing until I’m crying over here – BRILLIANT. I love it that you opened yourself up to that Big, Beautiful, GREAT Idea!
And you know what I’m going to say: try writing for 15 minutes every morning. Before you check your email. Before coffee. Before ANYTHING. After all – it’s just 15 minutes – the world can wait for 15 minutes while you move forward on this book that the world so desperately needs.
Do it every day and you’ll be shocked and thrilled with your progress. And if blank pieces of paper scare you (they scare me) try using index cards.
Let me know what happens, OK? YAY!
Before COFFEE????
Seems drastic, doesn’t it? I do my morning prayer writing while my tea steeps. Works wonders to have my spiritual work done before I’ve even really started my day…
But anyway, try it and then adapt it as necessary – figure out what works best for you 🙂
The key is to have a SYSTEM – doesn’t matter what the system is, as long as it works consistently.
I was just trying to be funny, ha ha. Actually, my morning routine is meditating for 25 minutes before I do anything else, and I have a minimum daily writing requirement of 300 words (3 pages in my journal), but no set time to do it, although it does seem to flow naturally right after my meditation. However, there are some days I am writing in bed at 11pm because, well, that was the only time left!
I took myself off the hook to actually be writing for the book, and just WRITE anything for the last three months to get myself going. I often exceed the minimum daily requirement once I get cooking. My question is… Do you think I need to be writing JUST for the book a prescribed amount of time daily? I guess so huh, if I ever want to see that book in print!
Thanks Sam!