—a limited series about unconventional economics—

Whatever the next step is for you in bringing your work to the world, I want you to do two things:

  1. Quit thinking you can’t do it.
  2. Quit thinking you can do it alone.

When I started The Organized Artist Company ten years ago, I knew nothing about business. I didn’t know bupkis about marketing, sales, managing a team, email, invoicing, terms & conditions, guarantees, systems or economics.

I only knew that I wanted to help people & I needed to make a living.

So I immediately surrounded myself with people who were smarter than I was. Supportive, clever, fun people. I made so many new friends those first few years, and most of them are still in my life today. (It’s still surprising to me, who was “the weird lonely kid” growing up, how many friends I have been blessed with as an adult….)

If you are not currently friendly with at least ONE person who:

  • Understands what you’re trying to do with your life
  • Respects and adores you
  • Will celebrate your wins with you
  • Will console you when things look bleak
  • Offers genuinely helpful advice

Then you need to find that person, asap.

HINT: Me. I can be that person for you. F’reals.

SECOND HINT: Check out tomorrow’s video for you to find out how you can get access to me and a whole community of creative geniuses who can’t wait to cheer you on.



“What I wish someone had said to me before I joined: You will be surprisingly more productive when you join Sam’s Pro Club. The stakes are higher and so are the rewards. Get in the game!”  – Judy Gitenstein, current member of Sam’s Pro Club

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