We’re going to look at one of the hottest “freebies” there is and how it’s being used by one of the hottest teachers I know.

Sage Levine of Conscious Women Entrepreneurs

Sage has created a terrific quiz: What type of Workshop Leader are YOU?

——> CLICK HERE to take the quiz & get the results emailed to you

Sage’s Unique Style

Sage is down-to-earth and fun-loving and quite a bit smarter than your average bear. She focuses her work exclusively on women – even her own team is all women – and she truly believes that a feminine approach to leadership and business can not only transform lives, but indeed, the planet.

Sage loves to travel and she loves philanthropy, so she’s structured her business in such a way that she takes several long trips each year. She’s been everywhere from the Amazon to Africa, and I happen to know that she took her entire team to Hawaii this year – isn’t that cool?

As someone who has built a seven-figure business from scratch, Sage really knows her stuff. She’s a great teacher with a strong business philosophy, and she really is working to make the world a better place.

—–> I recommend getting on her list and taking advantage of her multiple freebies (start with the quiz : )

Sage’s Smart Strategy

A quiz is a fantastic way to invite people into your list. Not only are quizzes FUN, but they have the added benefit of allowing you to learn a lot about your prospects.

Quizzes also leverage one of the most powerful tools in marketing: intellectual curiosity. When faced with a compelling question like, “What kind of Workshop Leader are YOU?” even grizzled veterans like me want to know the answer!

Finally, quizzes are cool because they invite immediate engagement. The sooner you can get people INTERACTING with your material (clicking, sharing, commenting, rating, sharing….) the better off you are.

Idea You Could Borrow for Yourself

What ONE piece of information would help you communicate more intelligently with your clients? Could you make a quiz designed to elicit that data?

For example, if you’re a health coach, you might want to know more about your clients’ eating habits, so you could create a quiz called, “What’s Your Diet Downfall? Take this quiz to discover the sneaky nutritional habits that are ruining your waistline!”

Or if you were a visual artist, you could create a quiz called, “Does It Have to Match the Couch? Take this quiz to discover how sophisticated an art-buyer you are!”

Even just playing around with this concept can lead to some juicy ideas, yes?

Let me know what you come up with, OK?

—-> And be sure to check out Sage’s quiz and see what you would do the same, or differently!



P.P.S. I am proud to be a friend, colleague, student, Big Fan and affiliate for many of the teachers, writers and healers I’m discussing in this email series. I trust that you will trust your intuition, do your own research and only get involved in things that are right for you. Good? Good. Thanks. – S.

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