There is no such thing as a big decision.
There are only little decisions.
And when you allow yourself to believe that something IS a big decision, you instantly psych yourself out, ammiright?
So you have a thought like…
“You know, maybe I want to quit this job….”
“Maybe I want to move…”
“Maybe I should leave this person that I’ve been with for all these years…”
And then you think, “Oh, but it’s such a big decision,” and you frighten yourself into inaction.
All of life is a series of little decisions, and sometimes we make a big deal about the last little decision, but really – that last one is no bigger than all the ones that precede it.
I remember before the first of my marriages (long story) when we were getting our pre-marital counseling from our very hip pastor, and he said,
“Here’s the thing – you two have been deciding to get married since you met. You have been deciding to get married since you first clapped eyes on each other. It’s been a million little steps. A million little yeses. Yes to this first date, and yes to this dinner, and yes to making up after this fight. Now, on the wedding day, we’re going to make a big fuss over this last little yes. Over this last little, ‘I do.’
But remember it is not a big decision. It is the latest in a series of small decisions. And as you stay married, you will continue to make little decisions every single day to stay married or to not.”
And anyone who has been in a long-term relationship will tell you, it’s true. You make decisions every single day to stay together, or to drift apart.
You make little decisions every day about your health, your job, your family, and your relationships, and those decisions shape your future.
If you remember that you only need to make a little decision and then take the next indicated right action, you might decide yourself into a new, better life.