How to Figure Out Your Zone of Creative Genius

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Sometimes people ask me, well, how do I figure out what my zone of creative genius is? And I get it. It can be hard to notice your own zone of creative genius because it comes so naturally to you. So here’s two ways to think about it. Uh, the first way is this. If we were back in cave dwelling times. What do you think your role in the tribe might be?

Would you be the one who takes care of the children or the healer or the engineer who builds things? The Explorer who always wants to go and see what’s over the Hill? Let your mind sort of noodle around on that question for a little bit and see what bubbles up for you. And here’s another way to think of it.

If someone were to wake you up at three in the morning and say, Hey, Hey, we’re going to go do X, Y, Z, want to come? You would be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me get my shoes. Your zone of creative genius is the area where you have a natural interest and that you’re naturally good at it and you have a natural ability to problem solve in it.

Don’t worry if you can’t think of it right away. Now that we’ve talked about it, it’ll probably come to you sooner or later. Remember, your creativity matters every single day.

Fifteen Minutes for Your Creativity

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Do you notice that you find time to get everything done for everybody else every single day, but that the projects that matter most to you, the ones that would really make a difference in your life often don’t even make it onto the list. It’s time to change that. Starting today, I want you to set aside just 15 minutes today for you to do a little work on the project that matters most to you.

It may not matter to anybody else, but if it lights you up and warms your heart. Then do it. Whether it’s doing something artistic like writing or drawing or playing an instrument, or maybe it’s something physical like stretching or working out or going for a walk, or maybe it’s meditation and prayer.

Whatever you love, spend just 15 minutes on it today and see if your whole day doesn’t improve because your creativity matters every single day.

So lean into your zone of creative genius today because your creativity matters every single day.

Your Many Zones of Creative Genius, Part 2

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Everyone has at least one or two zones of creative genius, but some people have multiple areas of creative genius. They’re good at a lot of things. These folks are called highly creative people, and they make up about 10 to 15% of the population. Now, if you are one of these highly creative people. Or you live with one, you know that being good at a lot of things isn’t always easy.

First of all, people think that you’re flaky or indecisive. They may even call you a dilettante. It can be hard to know where to focus, and when the world says, well, you should just pick one thing and stick with it, you feel terrible. Here’s my news. Flash your one thing is your multiplicity of talents.

Your one thing is the fact that you are good at a lot of things and if you can find a way to combine your many talents and skills, you will be able to create something amazing because your creativity matters every single day.

Your Many Zones of Creative Genius

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Have you noticed that in every group of people, there’s someone for every role? I mean, someone is sort of the mom caretaker or someone’s the organizer planner. I mean, how is it that in every single office, everywhere, there is always one person who is happy to volunteer to plan the birthday things? Well, it’s because in every group there’s someone who has party planning as one of their zones of creative genius.

Remember, your zone of creative genius is not necessarily artistic, but it is the area in which you have a natural interest and natural enthusiasm and a natural ability to problem solve. You actually like to problem solve in your zone of creative genius. It’s fun for you. So how can you use problem solving in your zone of creative genius today to make the world a better place because your creativity matters every single day.

So lean into your zone of creative genius today because your creativity matters every single day.

Everyone Is Creative

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Everyone is creative. Everyone is creative. And before you say, “Oh, no, no, Sam, I’m not creative,” let me remind you that creative is not the same as artistic. Artistic and creative are two different things. Some highly creative people are artistic, some aren’t, but everyone has at least one or two zones of creative genius.

Now, your zone of creative genius is the area in which you have a natural inclination and natural enthusiasm and a natural ability to problem solve. You may not have even noticed your zone of creative genius because it feels so natural and so obvious to you. You may feel like, Oh, everyone can do that.

No, probably not.

Probably mostly just you.

So lean into your zone of creative genius today because your creativity matters every single day.