You Think You Know What You Don’t…
You're stuck because you think you know what you don't know. But you don't. Because you've never done This before. You think you know how your...
There’s no shortage of money. Ever.
There is plenty of money in the world. There are lots and lots of people spending lots and lots of money on all kinds of things all the time. It may...
The Isle of Skye
The Isle of Skye What if there was another you who lived on the Isle of Skye? And what if, in the soft light of that other home, you forgot...
It’s Okay to Make Nice with Yourself
Guess what? It’s okay to have some positive thoughts about yourself. Many of us were raised in intellectual households, where if you couldn't prove...
Honor Your Personal History
The weddings, the birth dates, the bar mitzvahs and the first kisses. But think for a moment about the private anniversaries of your heart: The time...
Oh, You Look Nice Today.
From now on, you must keep track of every single compliment you get. The rule is this: only write down the phrase or adjective-- don't record who...
Nearly Miraculous Daily Habit
"...Because you told me I was a stuntwoman and I believed you..." Painting by Lesley Perdomo Allot Fifteen Minutes a Day to Your Project If I could...
Every Field Must Lay Fallow
Maybe you are in the middle of a dry spell so severe your lips are parched. I’m sorry. I know that feeling — that sinking, empty, aching feeling —...
Dream Big, Lush, Vivid Dreams
Disappointment is, literally, failing to keep an appointment. Which is why I think it hurts a little more than the other bumps and bruises of life....
Getting-Ready-to-Get-Ready Syndrome
The symptoms of Getting-Ready-to-Get-Ready syndrome include feeling like you can’t possibly move forward until you lose ten pounds, get a degree,...