Plain-Talk Legal Stuff for Creatives with Jessica Olmon

Plain-Talk Legal Stuff for Creatives with Jessica Olmon

“This has been terrific! So much info…I know I will want to review. Thank you so much Sam and Jessica!” – C.J., Oregon
 “Thank you! That was amazing.” – Linda
 “Very useful….” – S.S.

Everybody LOVED this totally free, nothing-to-buy-here call with me & my faboo lawyer, Jessica Olmon from Vero Law Group.

Listen or download this great conversation here:

As promised, Jessica and I kept it real and used only normal language — so there’s lots of wisdom without any off-putting, overwhelming technical stuff.

Mostly we talked about:

– Trademarks
– Copyrights
– Plagiarism
– Non-Disclosure Agreements
– Contracts

We certainly weren’t able to answer all of the questions we got, but we were able to address a number of the biggest concerns, so give this a listen as soon as you can, OK?

We want a world that is safe and prosperous for creatives — so we offered this training because we love you and want you to be better informed.

If you want to join Jessica’s email list, you can do so at:


—–> Go HERE to listen/download this valuable, plain-talk legal info for creatives:

Here’s to your THRIVING new year!!

Write Great Emails – free video training

The true-life story of how I made $80,000 from just one email, PLUS my 10 rules for writing great emails that people will read.

I certainly hope I can play this over again because I’m getting so many gems I can’t quite take it all in right now. – Sabrina

This has been incredibly valuable. Thank you for this gift. – Gail

Thanks, Sam! This is very helpful for designing my new adventure over the next couple of months. Perfect timing! – Shelley


Is It Impossible for You to Raise Your Prices?

I Can’t Possibly Raise My Prices Faulty Logic #1: “If I can’t get people to buy my stuff for cheap, how can I expect people to pay a lot?”

The problem is that it’s like you’re trying to sell a diamond necklace at the thrift store.

The people at the thrift store won’t buy it, and the people who WILL buy it aren’t at the thrift store.

Raise your prices and the right people will start to find you.

HINT: in fact, those “right people” are right in front of you. Those good folks who can and will pay higher prices are ALREADY in your tribe – they are just waiting for you to offer something at a price-point that makes sense to them.

I Can’t Possibly Raise My Prices Faulty Logic #2: “Well, I wouldn’t pay that much for XYZ …so I can’t imagine anyone else would either.”

Honey, you are not your client.

You do not have the same problem that your client has.

For example, you may not have just bought a big condo in Miami and be desperate to fill up those big blank walls with some challenging new art that will WOW your friends.

Or you may not be invited to attend a black-tie holiday party and not be able to find a plus-size dress that doesn’t make you look like a cheap chandelier…

Or maybe you have never spent a sleepless night wondering if you’ll ever find the love of your life.

But your clients do. They don’t just want to buy big art and a custom evening gown and relationship/dating coaching — they NEED to.

So, of course you wouldn’t pay to solve a problem that you don’t have. But think about a problem that you DO have — would you invest top dollar to get help solving that problem once and for all?

Yep. I bet you would.

I Can’t Possibly Raise My Prices Faulty Logic #3: “I don’t want to work with snotty rich people.”

If you’ve got this thought in your head, then first of all, that’s just plain old discrimination, and you should take a good, long, compassionate look at your assumptions.

(And I’m guessing what you really mean is that you don’t want to work with ANY snotty people, which is fine – don’t. There are plenty of warm, sensitive, well-off people in the world. Just as there are plenty of snotty broke ones.)

Secondly, just because someone pays a premium price for a thing doesn’t mean they are rich.

It means they VALUE the thing, and have prioritized it in their life.

And that’s great news for you — you want to work with people who value what you do.


You need help learning how to charge what you’re worth and how to feel good about it, and since Bill’s a musician as well as a writer/teacher/coach/creative genius, he’s the perfect person to show you how to do this all and have it feel great in your body, mind and soul.

Read it and then let me know what you think, OK?

I’m curious to know how all this lands with you….

REMEMBER: The World Is Eager to Pay Good Money for Your Art.

P.S. I am a friend, a Big Fan and an affiliate for Bill, but honestly I think his work is so great I would share it with you no matter what.

And if you have a friend who is caught in the undercharging/underearning/overdelivering cycle, please share “Mystery Solved: Where To REALLY Find High Paying Clients” by Bill Baren with him or her, or use the social sharing buttons. Thanks! – S.

Uncovering Self-Sabotage

Uncovering Self-Sabotage

Exercise: What’s Kept You From Succeeding?

Sometimes it is simply your own stubbornness and stuck thinking that are holding you back.

This exercise asks you to be completely frank with yourself — asking some tough questions in a kindly voice to help you break through some of those nasty internal barrier success.

So grab a pen and, working swiftly, answer the following 10 questions for yourself with as much blazing honesty as you can muster:
  1. What has stopped you from succeeding before this?
  2. What’s your most likely form of self-sabotage?
  3. If you found yourself engaging in that self-sabotage, how might you handle that?
  4. What are you afraid might happen if you fail at this project?
  5.  How might you address the situation if that failure actually occurred?
  6. What are you afraid might happen if you succeed at this project?
  7. How might you address the situation if that success actually occurred?
  8. What qualities do you possess that can help you move through this project?
  9. What question has not been asked that you need
  10. What is the truth? (Start by writing, “The truth is…”) You may notice that imagining the worst of both failure and success, and then imagining how those eventualities, helps you feel a bit more in the driver’s seat.
Fear paralyzes;curiosity cures.

Writing down the answers to these questions encourages you to give voice to the monsters under the bed, disarming them once and for all.

There’s no shortage of money. Ever.

There’s no shortage of money. Ever.

There is plenty of money in the world.

There are lots and lots of people spending lots and lots of money on all kinds of things all the time.

It may not be in your wallet right this second, but it’s out there and it’s not that hard to get.

Notice how the perspective, “There’s plenty of money” is relaxing.

When you are relaxed, you are calmer, more creative and better at seeing solutions.

On the other hand, notice how the perspective, “There’s not enough” causes tension, retraction and anxiety.

That’s not good for business.

In this and in all things, stick with the perspective that causes you to be more relaxed, productive and prosperous.

Getting-Ready-to-Get-Ready Syndrome

Getting-Ready-to-Get-Ready Syndrome

The symptoms of Getting-Ready-to-Get-Ready syndrome include feeling like you can’t possibly move forward until you lose ten pounds, get a degree, receive permission, know the right people, have enough money, get more experience, pay your dues, or obtain the right equipment.

The trick to defeating Getting-Ready-to-Get-Ready syndrome is doing fifteen minutes of research. (And yes, this can be one of your fifteen-minute daily tasks.)

If you assume that you need to do something before you can do the thing you really want to do, please check that assumption — especially if the source of your information is your own mind. Google it, ask around, and, most important, ask someone who’s already done the thing you really want to do.

Chances are good that you’re over-complicating things.

There was the photographer who was convinced she couldn’t market herself until she had digitally optimized all her photos for her website, which would have meant weeks if not months of painstaking work. I asked her if she had one photo that she thought of as iconic, and when she said yes, I urged her to place just that one on her site. She was up and running twenty minutes later.

Lara was a highly intuitive performer who was feeling a pull toward embarking on a second career as a life coach, but she was feeling discouraged by the two years and several thousand dollars that certification would take.

Now, I admire and respect the people who’ve gone through coach certification, but it is not a prerequisite to being of great service to people.

When I pointed out that she already knew enough to at least get started with a few clients, she brightened right up.

Last I heard, she was running high-end retreats once a month in Beverly Hills — further proof that if you can deliver outstanding results, nobody really cares about your credentials.

And finally, there are the countless men and women who’ve told me that they can’t possibly get started on X, Y, or Z until they lose weight.

Honey, your destiny doesn’t care how much you weigh.

You can find a lover, sell your art, star in your show, and earn your fortune with the body you have right now. And it’s entirely possible that you will become so busy and happy working on your project that your body will self-adjust and become closer to your version of perfect.

After all, there’s nothing like joy to create health.