Creative Inspiration

The Key To Easy Sales? Finding Your Ideal Client

The Key To Easy Sales? Finding Your Ideal Client

The ideal client means bringing the perfect person to you. When you focus on the ideal client, a lot of your other concerns will fall away. You might think, I don't want to bother people. I don't want to be weird about it. I don't want to bore people. If you're...

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Nothing Is More Important Than Your Transformation

Nothing Is More Important Than Your Transformation

Recently, a bunch of the people in Sam's Pro Club are having huge breakthroughs. They’re all of a sudden making way more money than they're used to, or they've gotten way more people in their classes than they're used to, or they're realizing that their marketing is...

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Bouncing Back in a Time of Uncertainty

Bouncing Back in a Time of Uncertainty

Lately, all you hear is “I don't know what's happening. I'm so uncertain. I don't want to commit because of all the uncertainty.” You know what? This is not a new level of uncertainty. The world has always been this uncertain. Ask anyone who's had a sudden life event,...

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How To Convince Anyone Of Anything

How To Convince Anyone Of Anything

I want to talk about a woman named Vinca Heart. She grew up in East Berlin, and she's a fascinating person and a really good teacher. At the time, she was teaching a sort of sales strategy- how to talk to people from different backgrounds about stuff in a way that...

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Discovering Your Superpower

Discovering Your Superpower

What is your superpower? Don't try to think of an answer. Just sort of let it bubble up, and if nothing bubbles up that's okay. Something may bubble up later this afternoon or tomorrow morning and in the shower. You know how these things are, you sort of plant the...

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Introducing the Real Life Planner

Introducing the Real Life Planner

I don’t know about you, but I got tired of having 47 notebooks to keep track of my life. I had a journal, a gratitude book, prayer work, calendar, to-do lists, online to-do lists, legal pads… it goes on and on. So, my idea was to try and gather the tools that I...

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A Prayer for the Strong

A Prayer for the Strong

After weeks and weeks of barely being able to write at all, I woke up yesterday at 5am with this: A Prayer for the Strong You come to God willing to be an equal partner. 60-40, even. "I'll do the work," you pray, "Justshow me where to go." And you are careful to pray...

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For the Kids

For the Kids

So this week I've been hosting a little poetry seminar for my niece (age 12) and my nephew (age 10). We get together on FaceTime each day, and we read a poem together and talk about it. Very casual, and a fun way to connect with them. Yesterday, my niece suggested...

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A Manifesto for the Highly Creative Person

A Manifesto for the Highly Creative Person

We, the people of a grillion ideas, do solemnly declare that as of today, we are officially in service to the world. No longer will we let our fear, insecurity, procrastination and self-doubt keep us from sharing our work. Our imagination is at your disposal. Our...

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Sam's Bestselling Books