Meet Chaos With Compassion
When everything starts to feel out of control, it's easy to get hard. Hard-headed, hardhearted and hard to get along with. When we get rigid, we...
Schedule a reading and send out the invitations.
Or schedule a concert. Or a recital or "an evening with..." or a first rehearsal or a meeting with a mentor or... I double-dog dare you.
You Can’t Run Away From Your Idealism
I know. You think you're over it. You're old, you're tired, you've already tried it, it's somebody else's turn, who cares, you're over it, no way,...
Take Compliments Seriously
People are saying nice things to you all the time. But I'm guessing you let most of them slide right past you. And some of you even deflect them...
You’re Just Spending Your Time On Something Else
You do have time to work on your projects. You're just spending it on something else. Which is fine. Be aware that you are making the choice and be...
Notice That You Being Hard On Yourself Doesn’t Help
I notice that you being hard on yourself doesn't help you get more done. You criticizing yourself doesn't help you learn and grow. You dwelling on...
Quit Second-Guessing Yourself
Quit second-guessing yourself already. Your first idea is fine. Even if you think it's kind of dumb. Probably even ESPECIALLY if you think it's kind...
Slogging Through The Middle
It's so exciting at The Beginning, isn't it? You're learning, you're launching, you're out there on the far edge of your experience and it's a real...
Sit With The Mystery
Those questions and anxieties that have plagued you your whole life are reflections of a mystery. So the recurrent thought, "I'm Unlovable" might...
I Can Be Fired Up For A Day Or Two And Then…
I thought you all might enjoy both considering this question (and how it does or doesn't show up in your life) and then answer it for yourself. If...