Stendhal Syndrome, or, Why I Cry at Art
You have no idea how relieved I was when I found out that Stendhal Syndrome was a thing. Ever since I was a child, I've cried at art. I cried at the...
The Sensitive Creative’s Guide to Recovering from Bad Breakups, Natural Disasters and Other Heartaches of Modern Life
I wrote an ebook because I wrote an email. I wrote the email because of an outbreak of violent racism that shocked and shattered me. I posted a...
I love bad reviews
I love good reviews more, of course. But I love ALL reviews. Anytime someone cares enough about what I'm doing to take the time to comment, I'm...
Ok, that’s it!
Clearly, this has all gone too far. The news has made me weep almost hourly and I am done with feeling outraged, feeling powerless and feeling...
At Crossfit on Saturday, I was really challenged by one of the exercises. (To be fair, I'm challenged by nearly ALL the exercises at Crossfit....
Personal Branding for Creatives (the Easy Way!)
My Heroes Confused about personal branding? Not sure how to describe you or your work in a way that doesn’t feel weird? You’re not alone....
Even the Stars Fall
Here's a short reflection on life's ups and downs written during a bit of a low point this past fall. I find it oddly comforting. Even the stars...
Dwell in Discomfort
You've asked me the same questions over and over and over again. And mostly they have to do with discomfort. "I'm not sure my work is good enough."...
When is it too Late?
That person who expressed interest in your work, but you never followed up with them...and now you think that too much time has passed, so you don't...
Beautiful Writer’s Group
For my last installment in this "backstage" look at the world of email and personal development, we're looking at my dear friend Linda Sivertsen and...