Let’s Go Fishing!
Fishing for trout is like having a career in the arts. Why? Because while good equipment can help, it’s no guarantee that you’ll catch anything. And...
Plain-Talk Legal Stuff for Creatives with Jessica Olmon
"This has been terrific! So much info...I know I will want to review. Thank you so much Sam and Jessica!" - C.J., Oregon "Thank you! That was...
Write Great Emails – free video training
The true-life story of how I made $80,000 from just one email, PLUS my 10 rules for writing great emails that people will read. I certainly hope I...
Is It Impossible for You to Raise Your Prices?
I Can't Possibly Raise My Prices Faulty Logic #1: "If I can't get people to buy my stuff for cheap, how can I expect people to pay a lot?" The...
A 2-Minute Treat for You — watch this and play along —
As a special treat, we've made you this super-fun 2-minute movie that's all about how to slay the dragon of your procrastination : ) Please...
Uncovering Self-Sabotage
Exercise: What's Kept You From Succeeding? Sometimes it is simply your own stubbornness and stuck thinking that are holding you back. This exercise...
A One Frame Fairy Tale
An easy, fun, creative exercise designed to get you unstuck! Video credit: ShayGrabowski.com
Read good books. Watch webinars offered by people you respect. Listen to podcasts hosted by smart, generous people. There are a lot of brilliant...
Intuition Finds Lost Diamond Earrings
I had to share this THRILLING email from one of the participants in the Start Right Where You Are course ---- "If you had been in the room yesterday...
How to have a Conversation with Well-Meaning People
We all have our family of origin, and then we have our family of friends. It ’s one of the great perks of adulthood — you get to pick a second...