This Huge Horrible Lie Is Keeping You Stuck
Have you said this sentence to yourself about your creative projects, your clutter or getting your business off the ground? "I know what I...
How Do I Schedule/Focus My Time
Here's a great question I've gotten a bunch recently -- it gets phrased different ways, like... “What would a daily schedule look like for me as an...
Do Less Stuff
I get this sort of question a lot: "Help me get my 15 minutes! Life is so busy. The kids, dog and husband need so much! I'm going crazy." - K.H. "Do...
My Infusioncon, My Love…
Why I Get Mushy About Infusioncon Well, first of all let me say that I am the last person on earth one would expect to be in love with a software...
Fear Of Failure Is Perfectly Reasonable
Dear Sam: I have a question. The book that I want to write...I am wondering if it will be useful or if anyone would want to read it. What do I do...
4 of 7: How To Tell If Your Copy Is Really Effective
Discover How To Feel Great Writing About Your Creative Projects and Entrepreneurial Endeavors Online Hi -- This is #4 of 7 days I'm sending out a...
3 of 7: Can’t Get Started…Can’t Find The Time…
Hi -- This is #3 of 7 days I'm sending out a series of articles about how to do better & feel better about marketing your creative projects and...
2 of 7: I’m Too Wordy…
YAY! Here's #2 of the "7 Copy Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money & Keeping You From The Success You Deserve" article as derived from...
You Don’t Want To Feel Sales-y…(1 of 7)
I know. You don't want to sound sales-y. You feel weird "promoting" your work. You'd really rather just DO your work & have someone else take...
The Reason You Procrastinate
Does this question sound familiar? Dear Sam, I know what I need to do, I just can't make myself do it. I watch endless YouTube videos, I...