Prepare To Be Uncomfortable
Recently a client asked me how to tell the difference between the natural anxiety a person has when they're moving forward into something new and...
Easy vs. Hard
Some things are easy and some things are hard, but not always in the way you might expect. Fast food seems easy, but in the long run, it is very...
Life Does Not Move In One Direction
We love the story of life as a road. Success is a ladder. Time is ever marching forward. But we know it's not true. We are forever on shifting...
Take The Easy Way Out
Here's my new mental discipline: for each idea or project, I'm asking myself, "What's the EASIEST possible way to do this?" As a natural-born...
Will This Make Me Money?
I've started to look at my to-do lists (although you know I like to call them "could-do" lists because to-do feels a bit dictatorial to me and...
Has Someone Stolen Your Idea?
"I'm worried that someone will steal my idea." Sometimes that thought will: - prevent you from moving forward on your project - prevent you from...
Audrey’s Poem
You all might remember Audrey from the other day - she wrote me this: "Hi Samantha! I am on your email list and receive your beautiful poems and...
You Don’t Need To Lose Weight
Here's how I know: because if you really needed to lose weight, you'd be doing it already. In the same way that you always feel like you need more...
Success Story: Inspired To Write A Poem
Having Trouble Communicating With An Overworked Partner? This totally made me puddle up. I think Audrey sets a fine example for us all 🙂 "Hi...
Women Who Workshop
New Year. New Poem. Enjoy! Women Who Workshop A scarf from India A top that's Loose around the Middle Very, very, very Sensible Shoes And an...