Dusting The Baseboards In The Ballroom
Art Before Housework Mug by samanthabennett222 Make customizable steins on zazzle Sometimes you get all involved in the little things that are...
Intuition and Migraines
I was at a conference listening to an acclaimed speaker deliver his talk when the very small half-thought flittered through my mind, "I think I'm...
Dear Sam: I Have So Many Ideas
Dear Sam, I have a million ideas in my head and I get excited every time I think of another one. I want to act on that idea right away and then I...
The Patron Saint of Change
"Oh, I HATE change!" she said. And she shook her head and she closed her eyes and shuddered again. "Hate it!" "Really?" I said, "Because change...
Disagreements Mean You Need More Information
Have you ever heard a conversation like this? He: OK, it's 3:30 - let's go pick up my car from the shop. She: I'm not ready to go right now. Let's...
Don’t Apologize; Say, “Thank You”
Apologies are to be reserved for times when you have transgressed and are truly sorry. But for times when you are, in fact, not sorry, consider this...
Cross It Off The List
Consider the art of Selective Neglect. We know we're not going to get everything done today that we would like to get done. We know that we're...
To Begin And To Begin Again
Starting over can be so dispiriting, you know? Even just the phrase, "starting over" implies that one is going back to the beginning. And from...
Because We Trust in the Rightness of the Timing
I got this AMAZING email to day from Patti, who first got the "home study" Overcoming Procrastination Toolkit and got so much out of that that she's...
Are You Juggling Boulders?
Here's an email I got recently that I thought might speak to you: Hello Dear Samantha, I listened to the recording of the Procrastination...