A Revealing Exercise in Doodling
Here's so here's the little experiment I want to do with you guys. I know you’ve got your paper and your pens ready, because you guys are known...
How To Price Art To Sell
Here’s a tricky topic- how to price art to sell. You might think, I'm not selling as much as I would like, and I feel like I need to cut my prices....
The Non-Artistic, Highly Creative Person
I think there's a whole subset of people wandering around out there who don't think of themselves as creative. The fact is they're very creative-...
The Groan Zone
Let’s talk about The Groan Zone. There's a time in every project where the bottom falls out. The beginning is so great because it's got so much...
Create A Winter Goal-Setting Community
I sent an email this week that talked about how it's going to be a long winter. I don't care how you slice it. I don't care what happens. It's going...
What Would You Like To Share With The World?
What would you like to share with the world? What do you wish other people knew? Here's the thing- people want to pay you. People want to give you...
Your Network Is Your Net Worth
The thing that I wanted to talk to you guys about today is relationships. We were talking the other week about a growth mindset, and what a major...
How To Be Good At Anything
This is sort of a funny talking topic for highly creative people, because highly creative people are good at a lot of things. That's one of the...
Disappointments & Remembering That Nothing Bad is Happening
What I’m inspired to talk about today is disappointment and dealing with disappointment, because there's a lot of disappointing news out there....
The One Thing That Determines The Quality Of Your Life
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your...